Watch the video of this sermon on YouTube: Reprobation: Supralapsarian or Infralapsarian?
For more sermons on Sovereign Grace: Sovereign Grace
Reprobation: Supralapsarian or Infralapsarian?
I. Definitions
1. Reprobation n. - 3. Theol. Rejection by God; t...
Preached at the Ecclesiastical Law Center Pastors Conference in Mesick, MI.
The outline is attached below.
Focusing on What Really Matters as a Pastor
I. What really matters to me as a pastor?
1. Believing and teaching the truth (Psa 119:97; Psa 119:127-128; 2Ti 4:2).
2. Keeping God's commandments (Joh 14:15; Joh 14:21).
3. Seeing that the brethren are walking in truth (2Jo 1:4; 3Jo 1:3-4).
4. Worshipping Jesus Christ in spirit and in truth (Joh 4:23-24).
5. Seeking God after ...
Preached in the Cincinnati Church
The outline is attached below.
Be Not Conformed to This World
I. Christians are commanded to "be not conformed to this world" (Rom 12:2).
1. The Lord instructs us to be nonconformists.
A. Conform v. - 1. trans. To form, shape, or fashion according to some pattern, model, or instruction; to make of the same form or character, to make like.
B. We are therefore not to pattern our thoughts and behavior after the way of this world.
C. We should not ...
Watch the video of this sermon on YouTube: House Church Movement
Sermon series on Biblical Church Government: One Pastor and Church Government
The House Church Movement
I. There is a difference between churches that meet in houses and "house churches."
1. Man...
Watch the video of this Bible Study on YouTube: Dealing With Fear To learn more about dealing with life's difficulties, click here: Dealing With Problems
Dealing with Fear
I. Definitions
1. Fear n. - 1. In OE.: A sudden and terrible event; peril. 2. a. The emot...
Watch the video of this sermon on YouTube: Greet One Another With An Holy Kiss
Greet One Another With An Holy Kiss
(The content of this outline was taken from Pastor Tim Boffey's essay "The Holy Kiss.")
I. The New Testament commands brethren to greet each other with an holy kiss (Rom 16:16; 1Co 16:20; 2Co 13:12; 1Th ...
To learn more about Nonintervention, click here: Nonintervention Foreign Policy
The Judgment of God For Wars of Aggression -
David's Numbering of the People (2Sa 24 & 1Ch 21)
I. An examination of the account of David numbering Israel is necessary and profitable for the following reasons:
1. It shows us the serious nature of the crime of aggression and God's severe pu...
Watch the video of this sermon on YouTube: Feetwashing.
I. Jesus commanded us to wash each other's feet (Joh 13:14-15).
II. Feetwashing is an ordinance of the church.
1. Jesus washed the disciples feet after they finished eating the first Lord's Supper (Joh 13:1-5).
2. The supper that the disciples ate w...
Watch the video of this sermon on YouTube: Five Love Languages (Part 2). For a master copy of the outline and the other sermons in the series, click here: Five Love Languages. To listen to or watch the previous sermon in the series, click here:
Watch the video of this sermon on YouTube: Five Love Languages (Part 1). For a master copy of the outline and the other sermons in the series, click here: Five Love Languages. To listen to or watch the next sermon in the series, click here:
Watch the video of this sermon on YouTube: Church Discipline (Part 11). For a master copy of the outline and the other sermons in the series, click here: Church Discipline. To listen to or watch the previous sermon in the series,...
Watch the video of this sermon on YouTube: Church Discipline (Part 10). For a master copy of the outline and the other sermons in the series, click here: Church Discipline. To listen to or watch the previous sermon in the series,...
Watch the video of this sermon on YouTube: Church Discipline (Part 9). For a master copy of the outline and the other sermons in the series, click here: Church Discipline. To listen to or watch the previous sermon in the series, ...
Watch the video of this sermon on YouTube: Amish Beliefs and Practices. For a master copy of the outline is attached below.
Amish Beliefs and Practices
I. History
1. "The history of the Amish church began with a schism in Switzerland within a group of Swiss and Alsatian Anabaptists in 1693 led by J...
Watch the video of this sermon on YouTube: Church Discipline (Part 8). For a master copy of the outline and the other sermons in the series, click here: Church Discipline. To listen to or watch the previous sermon in the series, ...
Watch the video of this sermon on YouTube: Church Discipline (Part 7). For a master copy of the outline and the other sermons in the series, click here: Church Discipline. To listen to or watch the previous sermon in the series, ...
Watch the video of this sermon on YouTube: Church Discipline (Part 6). For a master copy of the outline and the other sermons in the series, click here: Church Discipline. To listen to or watch the previous sermon in the series, ...
Watch the video of this sermon on YouTube: Church Discipline (Part 5). For a master copy of the outline and the other sermons in the series, click here: Church Discipline. To listen to or watch the previous sermon in the series, ...
Watch the video of this sermon on YouTube: Church Discipline (Part 4). For a master copy of the outline and the other sermons in the series, click here: Church Discipline. To listen to or watch the previous sermon in the series, ...
Watch the video of this sermon on YouTube: Church Discipline (Part 3). For a master copy of the outline and the other sermons in the series, click here: Church Discipline. To listen to or watch the previous sermon in the series, ...
Watch the video of this sermon on YouTube: Church Discipline (Part 2). For a master copy of the outline and the other sermons in the series, click here: Church Discipline. To listen to or watch the previous sermon in the series, ...
Watch the video of this sermon on YouTube: Church Discipline (Part 1). For a master copy of the outline and the other sermons in the series, click here: Church Discipline. To listen to or watch the next sermon in the series, clic...
Watch the video of this sermon on YouTube: One Pastor and Church Government (Part 6). For a master copy of the outline and the other sermons in the series, click here: One Pastor. To listen to or watch the previous sermon in the series,...