Interview on the Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast with Robert Thibodeau Featuring Pastor Chad Wagner

  • By Pastor Chad Wagner
  • on Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Pastor Wagner was interviewed by Pastor Robert Thibodeau on the Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast where they discussed his new book The True Grace of God. You can listen to the interview on Pastor Wagner's website here: Interview on the Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast with Robert Thibodeau Featuring Pastor Chad Wagner. Pastor Wagner's new book “The True Grace of God” can be found here: The True Grace of God. The following are excerpts from the podcasts show notes page.

Chad is also the author of a great book titled, “The True Grace of God.” This book uses scripture to expound upon the “True Grace of God” while refuting the errors of both Arminianism and Calvinism. Amen! This sounds like a book that needs to be on the book shelves and desks of pastors around the country. They may have their toes stepped on though when reading the Truth’s contained in your book. But I always say in my sermons, “If you don’t want your toes stepped on, don’t put your feet out from under the desk.” Amen! Folks, Pastor Chad Wagner has written the Truth of the Word of God plainly in his great book, “The True Grace of God.” You need to get this book for your own personal study time. I don’t care what denomination you are in. I don’t care what you call yourself… If you say you are a Christian, that means you are commanded to study the Scriptures for ourselves. Jesus said so in His own words in John 5:39 where he said, “Search the scriptures. For in them you THINK you have eternal life. And they are which testify of ME.” Praise God. Amen! Another one is 2 Timothy 2:15 which says, “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING the Word of Truth.” Praise God… you can only do that if you have the resources available to you! Drop down into the show notes right now and click the links right there to reach out to Pastor Chad Wagner and to order his great book, “The True Grace of God,” Amen!

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