Sermons For Children

The following are links to sermons that were preached to, and for the benefit of, children.

Teaching Sovereign Grace to a Six-Year-Old (Part 1)

Teaching Sovereign Grace to a Six-Year-Old (Part 2)

Teaching Sovereign Grace to a Six-Year-Old (Part 3)

There's a War for Your Minds, Kids (Part 1)

There's a War for Your Minds, Kids (Part 2)

Who Is Jesus Christ? (A Bible Study for Children)

Memory Verses for Children

Memory Verses for Children


Attachment Size
There's a War for Your Minds, Kids.doc 73.2 kB
There's a War for Your Minds, Kids.PDF 144.8 kB
Teaching Sovereign Grace to a Six-Year-Old.doc 43.0 kB
Teaching Sovereign Grace to a Six-Year-Old.PDF 81.9 kB