Suffering and Deliverance (Part 18) - David and Goliath (Part B)
Submitted by Pastor Chad Wagner on Sunday, August 1, 2021.

G. Rather than use the weapons and armor that men had made and offered to him, David chose five little smooth stones out of the brook which God had made (1Sa 17:40a). i. Better is little with fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble therewith (Pro 15:16). ii. The LORD loves sending His faithful saints into battle outnumbered so that He gets credit for the victory (Jdg 7:7). iii. David would only end up needing one stone, but it's nevertheless wise to be prepared and lay up for the time to come since we don't know how much of our resources God will use to save us. H. With his sling in his hand and the stones in his bag, David approached Goliath (1Sa 17:40b). i. With Goliath was an arm of flesh, but with David was the LORD his God to help him (2Ch 32:8). ii. The LORD was David's salvation and his strength, and therefore he was not afraid (Psa 27:1). I. Goliath approached David and disdained and reproached him when he saw that he was a youth armed with a staff (1Sa 17:41-43). i. Disdain v. - 1. trans. To think unworthy of oneself, or of one's notice; to regard or treat with contempt; to despise, scorn. ii. Goliath was despising David's youth (1Ti 4:12). J. Goliath proudly boasted how he would kill David if he came to him (1Sa 17:44). i. Before destruction the heart of man is haughty (Pro 18:12). ii. "Let not him that girdeth on his harness boast himself as he that putteth it off" (1Ki 20:11). K. David told the giant that he came in the name of the LORD of hosts, not with weapons of war like him, and that the LORD would deliver him into his hand (1Sa 17:45). i. In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence (Pro 14:26). ii. Though war rose up against David, in God was he confident (Psa 27:2-3). L. David boldly told Goliath that the LORD would deliver him into his hand (1Sa 17:46-47). i. God would deliver David so that all the earth would know that there is a God in Israel. ii. God used young David who was greatly inferior to the giant so that everyone would know that the battle was the LORD's who saves not by sword and spear. M. When Goliath came near to meet David, David ran toward the army to meet him (1Sa 17:48). i. Goliath was no doubt in a proud rage because of David's words. a. He didn't even respond, but immediately headed toward him. b. When Goliath heard David's words about the God of Israel delivering him into his hand he should have feared and departed from evil, but rather he raged and was confident (Pro 14:16). ii. David didn't wait for him to get close, but ran toward him. a. We must not run from battles that the LORD has put us in, but rather run toward them. b. David knew whom he had believed and was persuaded that God would be there for him in the battle (2Ti 1:12). c. David wisely ran to Goliath to get within striking distance of him before the giant could strike first him. d. It's much easier to win a fight if you go on the offensive first, rather than waiting to be attacked and playing defense. iii. The LORD taught David's hands to war and his fingers to fight in this battle (Psa 144:1). N. David slang a stone and sunk it into Goliath's forehead, knocking him to the ground (1Sa 17:49). i. David, by the providence of God, hit Goliath in the only part of his body which was unprotected and vulnerable. a. It only takes one weakness to be exploited to take a man down. b. Goliath in his pride and haste probably didn't close his shield to protect his face. ii. David had obviously practiced with his sling and was an expert marksman as others in Israel were (Jdg 20:16). a. He didn't go into battle unprepared. b. But neither did he go into battle trusting in his own strength and abilities (Psa 44:6; Pro 21:31). iii. Let this be a reminder to us of the following. a. Let not the mighty man glory in his might (Jer 9:23). b. The LORD didn't take pleasure in Goliath's strong legs, but in David who feared Him and hoped in Him (Psa 147:10-11). c. Pride goes before destruction and an haughty spirit before a fall (Pro 16:18). O. David didn't have his own sword so he used Goliath's to slay him and cut off his head (1Sa 17:50-51). i. God used Goliath's own weapons against him (Psa 9:15-16; Ecc 10:8; Pro 11:5-6). ii. The sword he was planning to use to kill David was used to kill him (Mat 7:2; Deut 19:19-21). iii. God provided David the weapon he needed when he needed it. P. The Philistines fled when they saw their champion was dead and Israel pursued, wounded, and spoiled them (1Sa 17:51-53). i. Let this be a reminder that when fighting a battle with sin or heresy we must strike at the root and destroy the source/foundation. ii. Once the foundation is destroyed, the rest will follow. Q. There are some lessons we can learn from this. i. Might doesn't make right. ii. With God nothing shall be impossible. iii. God can deliver us when we face enemies much greater and more powerful than ourselves. iv. People will look down on us and despise us when we are living by faith and doing things they are afraid to do. v. One's youth or size will not prevent God from using him to defeat a great enemy. vi. Don't despise the youth and zeal of a young and faithful man. vii. It only takes one brave and faithful man to stand up and deliver a whole nation with God's help (Ecc 9:14-16). viii. Past deliverances in our lives should give us the faith to trust God that He will deliver us in the future. ix. We must rely on God's deliverance, not our own strength or men's ideas, when facing adversity or enemies. x. We must run into battle, not run from it. xi. God will use our enemies' weapons to destroy them. xii. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.
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