Lessons From Bad King Ahaz (2Ki 16)

Lessons From Bad King Ahaz (Part 1) - 2Ki 16:1-4

Pastor Wagner preached an extemporaneous sermon on the life of King Ahaz (2Ki 16 and 2Ch 28) and the lessons that we can learn from his bad example. Some of the lessons in this sermon include how good parents can have bad kids, how we can learn a lot from bad examples, how evil communication corrupts good manners, how Americans sacrifice their children through abortion like the apostate Israelites did their children to Molech, and how green tree worship in Israel was idolatry just as celebrating Christmas with green trees is today.

Lessons From Bad King Ahaz (Part 2) - 2Ki 16:5a & 2Ch 28:5-7

Pastor Wagner preached an extemporaneous sermon series on the life of King Ahaz (2Ki 16 and 2Ch 28) and the lessons that we can learn from his bad example. In this sermon some of the lessons include how God will judge people by the wicked people they follow, how God will unite enemies and use them to punish His people, how God will use both worldly unbelievers and apostate believers and churches to punish His church, how that God will forsake us and stop protecting us if we forsake Him, and how God will kill the children of sinners as punishment.

Lessons From Bad King Ahaz (Part 3) - 2Ki 16:5b & 2Ch 28:8-15

Pastor Wagner preached an extemporaneous sermon series on the life of King Ahaz (2Ki 16 and 2Ch 28) and the lessons that we can learn from his bad example. In this sermon some of the lessons include how God's people will be delivered into captivity for their sin, how following wicked people or ideas will get you judged by them, how the Lord will have mercy on His people and deliver them from captivity if they repent, how we should not judge hypocritically, how the Lord will reprove kings for His people's sake, how the heathen are often times wiser than the righteous, how prisoners of war or enemies are to be treated well, and how God's church will be cast down but not destroyed.

Lessons From Bad King Ahaz (Part 4) - 2Ki 16:6-7 & 2Ch 28:16-20

Pastor Wagner preached an extemporaneous sermon series on the life of King Ahaz (2Ki 16 and 2Ch 28) and the lessons that we can learn from his bad example. In this sermon some of the lessons include how fools never learn whether they receive harsh punishment from God or great mercy, how God brings low sinners who turn from Him, and how we should not trust in men, princes, presidents, politicians, the military, or weapons for safety, but in God alone.

Lessons From Bad King Ahaz (Part 5) - 2Ki 16:8-11 & 2Ch 28:21

Pastor Wagner preached an extemporaneous sermon series on the life of King Ahaz (2Ki 16 and 2Ch 28) and the lessons that we can learn from his bad example. In this sermon some of the lessons include how governments will steal wealth from their citizens to bail themselves out when they get in trouble; how we should never rob God and sacrifice holy things for worldly gain or use money set aside for God for ourselves; and how we should not incorporate false religious practices into God's religion, build churches how the world builds businesses, and incorporate worldly worship or pagan holidays into God's church. Also discussed was the history of Baptist churches in America and how they played a key role in the founding of religious liberty in America.

Lessons From Bad King Ahaz (Part 6) - 2Ki 16:12-20 & 2Ch 28:22-27

Pastor Wagner preached an extemporaneous sermon series on the life of King Ahaz (2Ki 16 and 2Ch 28) and the lessons that we can learn from his bad example. In this sermon some of the lessons include how kings were not permitted to offer sacrifices and no man can take it upon himself to become a minister of God, how the wicked are religious, how we shouldn't mingle elements of God's religion with false religion, how it is evil to replace God's ordained worship with the traditions of men, how turning away from God in time of trouble will bring us to ruin, and how modern churches hack up God's ordinances just like King Ahaz did.

Lessons From Bad King Ahaz (Part 7) - Isaiah 7

Pastor Wagner preached an extemporaneous sermon series on the life of King Ahaz (Isaiah 7) and the lessons that we can learn from his bad example. In this sermon some of the lessons include how we must not be moved by the winds of false doctrine; how we should not fear men or our circumstances, but instead trust in God; how God would not let Ahaz be replaced by another king because the Lord Jesus Christ was to be born through his lineage; how we must believe to be established and stable; how wicked men hide their unbelief and rebellion under a cloke of piety; how Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh; how life begins at conception; how the virgin conceiving Christ was a sign to the house of David; how God will use the arm of flesh that we lean on to destroy us for our sins against Him. This sermon is a verse by verse exposition of Isaiah 7.