Proverbs 10:1 (Mini Sermon)


XII. Chapter 10 1. Pro 10:1 - "The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother." A. The proverbs of Solomon. i. After 340 pages of outline and 3 ¼ years of weekly Bible studies (with some breaks), we have finally completed the introduction to the book of Proverbs which were the first nine chapters. ii. Chapter 10 officially begins the actual proverbs in the book of Proverbs. a. Proverb n. - 1. a. A short pithy saying in common and recognized use; a concise sentence, often metaphorical or alliterative in form, which is held to express some truth ascertained by experience or observation and familiar to all; an adage, a wise saw. b. Adage n. - A maxim handed down from antiquity; a proverb. c. Maxim n. - 1. An axiom; a self-evident proposition assumed as a premiss in mathematical or dialectical reasoning. Obs. 2. a. A proposition (esp. in aphoristic or sententious form) ostensibly expressing some general truth of science or of experience. d. Proverbs are words of the wise (Pro 1:6). e. They are spoken by men who have gained wisdom through experience (Job 12:12) and instruction from the word of God (Pro 2:6). f. Wise men speak proverbs; fools supply the subject matter (Deut 28:37; 1Ki 9:7; Eze 14:8). g. Byword n. – 2. A person or thing who becomes proverbial, as a type of specified characteristics; an object of scorn or contempt. iii. Solomon is the author of the book proverbs. a. He was well suited for the task since he was the wisest man to ever live (1Ki 3:12; 1Ki 4:29-31) until the Lord Jesus Christ (Mat 12:42). b. Solomon spoke many proverbs (Ecc 12:9), 3,000 in total (1Ki 4:32). (i) However, only about 615 of his proverbs are written in the book of Proverbs in chapters 10-29. 1. Most of the verses in chapters 1-9 are not proverbs by definition. 2. Chapter 30 was written by Agur. 3. Chapter 31 was written by Lemuel (likely another name for Solomon), but its verses are not proverbs by definition either. (ii) This means that only about 20% of the proverbs which Solomon spoke were written down in the Bible. iv. As we study Solomon's proverbs, remember that a proverb by definition is a truth that has been ascertained by experience or observation. a. Proverbs therefore generally hold true in life, but they are not necessarily declarations from God that infallibly hold true in every instance. b. For example, consider the following proverbs which generally hold true, but not always. (i) "When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him." (Pro 16:7) 1. Jesus Christ's ways always pleased the LORD (Joh 8:29). 2. Yet, His enemies were not always at peace with Him (Joh 7:1). 3. There are exceptions to the rule, but, generally speaking, when our ways please God, He will give us peace with our enemies. (ii) "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Pro 22:6) 1. God made provision in the law of Moses for the stoning of children who were trained up in the way that they should go and departed from it (Deut 21:18-21). 2. God Himself brought up children but they rebelled against Him (Isa 1:2; Isa 63:9-10). 3. There are exceptions to the rule, but, generally speaking, when parents train up children in the way that they should go, though they might depart from it for a season, in the long run they will not turn from it. c. Remember the nature of a proverb as we study Solomon's wise sayings. B. A wise son maketh a glad father: i. Wise adj. - 1. a. Having or exercising sound judgement or discernment; capable of judging truly concerning what is right or fitting, and disposed to act accordingly; having the ability to perceive and adopt the best means for accomplishing an end; characterized by good sense and prudence. Opp. to foolish. ii. Wisdom is knowing how to do things (Exo 36:1), including life itself. iii. A son who has and exercises sound judgment and discernment, judges truly concerning what is right and fitting and acts accordingly, has the ability to perceive and adopt the best means for accomplishing an end, and is characterized by good sense and prudence makes his father glad (Pro 27:11). a. Glad adj. - 1. Bright, shining, beautiful. (Cf. 5.) Obs. 2. a. Of persons: Cheerful, joyous, or merry in disposition (obs.); joyful, happy (arch.). b. A son with a wise heart will have a father with a rejoicing heart (Pro 23:15). c. A righteous and wise child brings his father and mother great rejoicing and joy (Pro 23:24-25). iv. A pastor is as a father to the brethren in the church (regardless of his and their ages) (1Co 4:14-15; 2Co 6:13; Gal 4:19; 1Th 2:11; 1Jo 2:1; 1Jo 3:18). a. Nothing makes a pastor happier than when church members act wisely (3Jo 1:4). b. Church members who are likeminded and of one accord and one mind are the pastor's joy (Php 2:2). v. Here are some of the characteristics of a wise son who makes his father (and his pastor) glad. a. He works hard and saves for the future (Pro 10:5). b. He hears his father's instruction (Pro 13:1). c. He guides his heart (his emotions) and makes decisions using logic and sound reasoning; he doesn't let his heart and emotions guide him in his decisions (Pro 23:19). d. He keeps the law of God (Pro 28:7). C. but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother. i. While a wise son brings joy to his father, a foolish son brings heaviness to his mother. a. Foolish adj. - 1. Fool-like, wanting in sense or judgement. b. Fool n. - 1. a. One deficient in judgement or sense, one who acts or behaves stupidly, a silly person, a simpleton. (In Biblical use applied to vicious or impious persons.) c. Heaviness n. - The state or quality of being heavy: in the various senses of the adj.; esp. a. Weightiness, ponderousness; gravity; weight or force of impact. e. Dejectedness of mind; sadness, grief. ii. A foolish son who lacks good sense and judgment and who acts or behaves stupidly is a source of sadness, grief, and depression to his mother. a. Such a son causes bitterness in his mother (Pro 17:25b). b. Bitterness n. - The quality or state of being bitter: a. to taste; b. to the mind or feelings; c. deep sorrow or anguish of heart; d. animosity, acrimony of temper, action, or words. c. Many a mother has grieved and poured her heart out to God in sorrow over her foolish children. iii. A foolish son is not only a grief to his mother, but to his father as well (Pro 17:25a). a. A foolish son is the calamity of his father (Pro 19:13). b. Calamity n. - 1. The state or condition of grievous affliction or adversity; deep distress, trouble, or misery, arising from some adverse circumstance or event. iv. The father of a fool has no joy (Pro 17:21). v. There are few things that bring parents more grief, depression, and anxiety than foolish children. vi. The following are some of the characteristics which foolish children bear. a. They don't learn and retain knowledge (Pro 14:7). b. They cannot control their mouths (Pro 10:14; Pro 29:11; Pro 29:20). c. They destroy their families by foolish decisions which do not prioritize the well being of their spouses and children (Pro 14:1). d. They are proud (Pro 14:3). e. They think they are wise and know everything (Pro 12:15; Pro 26:12; Pro 18:2). f. They are undisciplined with money and waste it rather than save it (Pro 21:20). g. They are contentious (Pro 29:9) and full of wrath (Pro 27:3). h. They never learn from their mistakes (Pro 26:11; Pro 27:22). i. They are fornicators and adulterers (Pro 7:7, 22). vii. To prevent children from turning into fools, parents must discipline them with the rod, or else be brought to shame by them (Pro 29:15). viii. Once they grow up, it's too late, so chasten them early while there is still hope (Pro 13:24; Pro 19:18).
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