The Holy Spirit (Part 10) - Being Led by the Spirit (Part A)
Submitted by Pastor Chad Wagner on Sunday, August 18, 2024.

The Holy Spirit (Part 10) - Being Led by the Spirit (Part A) I. Being led by the Holy Spirit 1. The Holy Spirit leads children of God (Rom 8:14; Gal 5:18) A. Led ppl. – [Pa. pple. of LEAD v. 1] B. Lead v. – I. To conduct. 1. trans. To cause to go along with oneself. 2. a. To accompany and show the way to; to conduct, guide, esp. to direct or guide by going on in advance; to cause to follow in one's path. C. In the context of Rom 8:14 & Gal 5:18, being “led by the Spirit of God” and “led of the Spirit” is being prompted and empowered by the Spirit to mortify the deeds of the body (Rom 8:13) and not fulfill the lust of the flesh, but rather war against it (Gal 5:16-17). D. Being “led of the Spirit” does not mean having a strong feeling to do or say something like most people believe. E. The Spirit also leads children of God into temptation to try them and refine them (Mat 4:1). i. A Christian who is full of the Holy Ghost will still be tempted and persecuted (Luk 4:1). ii. Jesus taught us to pray that God will not lead us into temptation (Mat 6:13). iii. Pray that God will not suffer us to be tempted above that we are able (1Co 10:13). 2. The following is a section on being led by the Spirit from the outline of the sermon series called “Using Correct Terminology.” A. Charismatics, and too often other professing Christians, frequently say they are "led by the Spirit" to do various things. i. It is scriptural for Christians to be "led by the Spirit of God" (Rom 8:14), or to be "led of the Spirit" (Gal 5:18). ii. But the following questions need to be asked and answered. a. What does it mean to be led by the Spirit? b. How does the Spirit lead us? c. How do we know when the Spirit is leading us? B. What most people mean when they say they were led by the Spirit to do something is that they had a strong feeling that they should do it. i. They will say things like "I feel the Spirit leading me", or "I feel like the Spirit is telling me to do thus and so." a. They are equating the Holy Spirit with an emotion. b. Emotion n. – 4. a. fig. – Any agitation or disturbance of mind, feeling, passion; any vehement or excited mental state. b. Psychology. A mental 'feeling' or 'affection' (e.g. of pleasure or pain, desire or aversion, surprise, hope or fear, etc.), as distinguished from cognitive or volitional states of consciousness. Also abstr. 'feeling' as distinguished from the other classes of mental phenomena. c. Such people are being led by their hearts (the seat of emotions), rather than God. (i) Following one's heart is dangerous (Pro 28:26; Mar 7:21-23; Jer 17:9). (ii) We must lead our heart by sound reasoning from a solid understanding of the scripture (Pro 23:19; Pro 4:23), rather than being led by it. d. People think they feel God's presence when they feel certain emotions. (i) Emotions are a poor indicator of God's presence. (ii) Jacob was in God's presence, and he didn't even know it (Gen 28:16). (iii)God's prophets, writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (2Pe 1:21), experienced a wide range of emotions from joy to sorrow to depression to indignation (read the Psalms). (iv) Our emotions are therefore not a measure of whether the Spirit is leading us or not. ii. People can be led by things other than God. a. People can be led by idols (1Co 12:2). b. They can be led by hypocrites and their own lusts (2Ti 3:6). c. They can also be led away by false teachers who wrest the scriptures (2Pe 3:16-17). d. It is therefore very important to understand what it means to be led by the Spirit and how to distinguish the Spirit's leading from our own emotions and lusts. iii. It is much easier to follow one's own emotions and lusts than it is to do the hard work of learning the scriptures and making the difficult decisions which the Bible leads us to make. C. What does it mean to be led by the Spirit (Rom 8:14)? i. Led ppl. – [Pa. pple. of LEAD v. 1] ii. Lead v. – I. To conduct. 1. trans. To cause to go along with oneself. 2. a. To accompany and show the way to; to conduct, guide, esp. to direct or guide by going on in advance; to cause to follow in one's path. iii. The Holy Spirit leads children of God by showing them God's ways and directing them to follow in God's path. iv. The question then becomes: how and by what means does the Holy Spirit do that? a. It will be shown in the next section that the Holy Spirit leads God's children by means of the Holy Scriptures. b. Christians are filled with the Spirit by having the word of God dwell in them richly (Eph 5:18-19 c/w Col 3:16). c. God pours out His Spirit to His children by making His words known unto them (Pro 1:23). d. It is therefore through the word of God given by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (2Pe 1:21) that the Spirit leads men. D. How does God lead us? i. To be led of the Spirit is to walk in the Spirit (Gal 5:18 c/w Gal 5:16). a. One walks in the Spirit by walking in the word of God (Psa 119:1) and thereby walking in God's ways (Psa 119:3). b. Walking in the Spirit is not walking in the counsel of the ungodly, but rather in the law of God (Psa 1:1-2). ii. God leads us in His truth (Psa 25:5). a. God's truth is found in His word (Joh 17:17). b. Therefore, God leads us by His word, the Holy Scriptures. c. The LORD shows us His ways and teaches us His paths through His word (Psa 25:4-5; Psa 86:11; Psa 119:15). iii. God leads us by His light and His truth (Psa 43:3). a. God's word is His truth (Psa 119:142; Psa 119:151). b. God's word is His light (Pro 6:23; Psa 119:105). c. Therefore, God leads us through His word (Pro 6:20-22).
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