Suffering and Deliverance (Part 7) - Why God Allows Us to Suffer (Part F)


7. making us draw nigh to God A. When we suffer adversity we draw nigh to God and know Him in a deepness that we would not otherwise (Psa 31:7). B. God knows our way and tries us to purify us (Job 23:10). C. Jesus was tempted and tried just like us and therefore knows our soul in adversity (Heb 2:18). 8. making us look beyond this life to the next life in eternity A. The affliction we endure in this life makes us look beyond the temporal to the eternal (2Co 4:17-18). i. Temporal adj. - 1. Lasting or existing only for a time; passing, temporary. Now rare or merged in 2. 2. Of or pertaining to time as the sphere of human life; terrestrial as opposed to heavenly; of man's present life as distinguished from a future existence; concerning or involving merely the material interests of this world; worldly, earthly. (Opp. to eternal or spiritual.) ii. If God didn't allow us to suffer, we would be like the carnal man who minds only earthly things (Php 3:19; Rom 8:5). iii. We might forget that our conversation is in heaven (Php 3:20; Pro 15:24). iv. We might fail to set our affections on those things which are above (Col 3:1-2). B. The sufferings of the present time focus our attention on the glory that awaits us (Rom 8:18-19). C. The weeping we endure now because of God's chastisement makes us look for the joy that awaits us (Psa 30:5). D. The tears we shed while sowing faithfully give us hope of the joy we shall reap in eternity (Psa 126:5-6; Luk 6:21; Mat 25:21). 9. showing ourselves approved as the ministers of Christ A. God allows his ministers to suffer afflictions, necessities, distresses, stripes, imprisonments, tumults, labors, watchings, fastings, dishonor, and evil reports to prove to the brethren that they are approved of God (2Co 6:4-10). B. Patience n. - 1. a. The suffering or enduring (of pain, trouble, or evil) with calmness and composure; the quality or capacity of so suffering or enduring. C. Affliction n. - 1. The action of inflicting grievous pain or trouble. 2. The state of being afflicted; sore pain of body or trouble of mind; misery, distress. i. We have already studied the long list of afflictions that Paul suffered patiently (2Co 11:23-28). ii. These sufferings showed that Paul was approved as a minister of Christ. D. Necessity n. - 1. a. The fact of being inevitably fixed or determined. Obs. 10. a. The condition of being in difficulties or straits, esp. through lack of means; want, poverty. 11. A situation of hardship or difficulty; a pressing need or want. (Chiefly in pl.) i. This is what Paul referred to by "having nothing" (2Co 6:10). ii. True ministers sometimes find themselves in financial hardship. iii. They don't get a predetermined salary from the church. E. Distress n. - I. 1. a. The action or fact of straining or pressing tightly, strain, stress, pressure; fig. pressure employed to produce action, constraint, compulsion; less usually, pressure applied to prevent action, restraint. 2. a. The sore pressure or strain of adversity, trouble, sickness, pain, or sorrow; anguish or affliction affecting the body, spirit, or community. i. Pastors are often under a lot of stress and pressure because of their work. ii. When this happens it is evidence that they are approved as the ministers of Christ. F. Tumult n. - 1. Commotion of a multitude, usually with confused speech or uproar; public disturbance; disorderly or riotous proceeding. i. Paul was the victim of numerous tumults during his ministry. ii. The Jews caused an uproar in Thessalonica because of Paul's effective preaching (Act 17:4-5). iii. There was an uproar in Ephesus because Paul preached Christ which was a threat to the worship of Diana (Act 19:28-34, 40). iv. In Jerusalem the Jews stirred up the people and caused a tumult to try to kill Paul (Act 21:27-36). v. The fact that huge crowds were against Paul was not a sign that he was wrong, but that he was right. vi. This was just another indication that Paul's ministry was approved by God. G. Labor n. - 1. a. Exertion of the faculties of the body or mind, esp. when painful or compulsory; bodily or mental toil. i. Toil n. - 1. Verbal contention, dispute, controversy, argument (obs.); also, battle, strife, mêlée, turmoil (arch. or merged in 2). 2. With a and pl. A struggle, a ‘fight’ (with difficulties); hence, a spell of severe bodily or mental labour; a laborious task or operation. 3. a. Without a or pl. Severe labour; hard and continuous work or exertion which taxes the bodily or mental powers. ii. Labor is difficult and is a source of affliction. iii. So much so that some ministers work themselves to (or nearly to) death (Php 2:30). iv. Pastors labor in the word and doctrine (1Ti 5:17-18; 1Co 15:10), in prayer (Col 4:12), and in building churches (1Co 3:8-9). v. They also sometimes have to labor at other work to provide for their needs or the needs of others (Act 18:3; Act 20:33-35; 1Co 4:12; 2Th 3:8). vi. When ministers suffer in labor and toil they show themselves approved by God. H. Evil report i. Evil adj. - I. Bad in a positive sense. 1. Morally depraved, bad, wicked, vicious. 2. Doing or tending to do harm; hurtful, mischievous, prejudicial. Of advice, etc.: Misleading. Of an omen, etc.: Boding ill. 3. Uses partaking of senses 1 and 2: c. Of repute or estimation: Unfavourable. evil tongue: a malicious or slanderous speaker. ii. Report n. - 1. a. Rumour, common talk. b. With a and pl. A rumour; a statement generally made or believed. the report goes: it is commonly said. iii. Paul was the subject of lying rumors and slander (Rom 3:8). iv. Slander and rumors are one of the many ways that pastors suffer which shows that they are approved by God. v. See for examples of evil reports.
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