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I. A church of Jesus Christ is more than just a group of people that meet together weekly to listen to a sermon.
1. A church is the body of Christ (1Co 12:27).
2. A church is the house of God (1Ti 3:15; 1Pe 2:5).
3. A church is the temple of God (1Co 3:16).
II. To be a church means being committed.
1. There is nothing more important in a Christian's life than to be in God's church.
A master copy of the indented outline in both MS Word and PDF formats can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
I. A misunderstanding of the judgment of God.
1. Christians often say that God will judge our country for allowing abortion and gay marriage.
2. The truth is that God has judged our country by allowing abortion and gay marriage.
II. An effective method of deception is to use euphemisms.
1. "When words lose their meaning, people lose their freedom." - Confucius
2. Abortion and gay mar...
A master copy of the indented outline in both MS Word and PDF formats can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
I. Considering that some of you will certainly talk about the proper motivation for pastoring churches such as the ones we pastor, I want to discuss some things that should not motivate us to do what we do, namely:
1. Pride
2. Notoriety
3. Money
II. Pride
1. The first evil motivation for pastoring a church is pride.
A. One of the qualifications for the ministry is that a potential pas...
In this Bible study Pastor Wagner teaches the brethren how to "be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear" (1Pe 3:15) when answering the question of why we believe in God. The following things were covered in this extemporaneous Bible study: the importance of being able to give a reason for our beliefs; four arguments for the existence of God (1st Cause Argument, Cosmological Argument, Argument from Motion, Argument from Design)...
A master copy of the indented outline in both MS Word and PDF formats can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
I. Definitions
1. Fasting - 1. The action of the vb. fast; abstinence from food; an instance of this.
2. Fast v. - 1. a. intr. To abstain from food, or to restrict oneself to a meagre diet, either as a religious observance or as a ceremonial expression of grief.
II. The purpose of fasting
1. Fasting is a sign of humility (Psa 35:13).
2. Fasting is a means of chastening one's soul (Ps...
V. Pastors are supposed to teach, instruct, reprove, rebuke, exhort, and admonish their church members.
1. Reproofs of instruction are the way of life (Pro 6:23).
2. A primary job of a pastor is to reprove and rebuke (2Ti 4:2; 2Ti 3:16; Tit 2:15).
A. Reprove - 1. trans. To reject. 2. To express disapproval of (conduct, actions, beliefs, etc.); to censure, condemn. 3. To reprehend, rebuke, blame, chide, or find fault with (a person).
B. Rebuke - 1. trans. To beat down or force back; to repress or chec...
2. Argument #2: Christ was sent as the Son
A. Verses in the NT which refer to the Son of God being sent into the ...
I. An overview of the debate concerning the Sonship of Christ
1. The doctrine of the sonship of Christ has been hotly deba...
Pastoral Authority
I. Authority- 1. a. Power or right to enforce obedience; moral or legal supremacy; the right to command, or give an ultimate decision.
II. The derivation of pastoral authority.
1. All authority originates from God, and is given by God (Rom 13:1-2).
2. Power - II. As a person, body, or thing. 6. a. One who or that which is possessed of or exercises power, influence, or government; an influential or governing person, body, or thing; in early use, one in authority, a ruler, governor...
For a paperback book in outline form which addresses over 150 difficult verses that Arminians use against Sovereign Grace, check out: Problem Texts for Sovereign Grace: Rooting Arminianism Out of Every Verse.
Five Phases of Salvation
I. The means by which God saves men from their sins includes several phases beginning before the foundation of the world and ending at the end of time.
II. There are five distinct ph...
I. The origin of Easter
1. The name
A. The name Easter comes from the word Eostre (pronounced ee-stra or o-stra).
i. Easter: “Baeda Temp. Rat. xv. derives the word from Eostre, the name of a goddess whose festival was celebrated at the vernal equinox; her name shows that she was originally the dawn-goddess.” (Etymology of Easter, Oxford English Dictionary)
ii. "The English name Easter is of uncertain origin; Bede in the 8th century derived it from that of the Anglo-Saxon SPRING GODDESS EOSTRE." (caps m...
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The Christian and the Old Testament
4. The sabbath was given in Exo 16:22-30 before it was given in the ten commandments in Exo 20:8-11.
A. This supposedly proves that it was not just given to Israel.
B. It was given to Israel in both places, and it was only ever given to Israel (Exo 31:12-18).
5. Jesus kept the sabbath.
A. Of course He did! Jesus was a Jew living under the law of Moses.
B. Je...
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The Christian and the Old Testament
4. What about the prophets, psalms and proverbs?
A. The part of the Old Testament in our Bible which is specifically abolished is the law of Moses which included the old covenant and the commandments which were given to Israel.
i. 2Co 3:13 - And not as Moses, which put a vail over his face, that the children of Israel could not stedfastly look to the end of t...
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The Christian and the Old Testament
iv. 4th commandment - Remember the sabbath (Exo 20:8-11).
a. The sabbath commandment is the only one of the ten commandments that is not repeated in the NT.
b. The sabbath commandment was only ever given to the Jews (Exo 31:12-18).
c. References to Jesus and other keeping the sabbath in the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) were all made before Jesus fu...
Pastor Wagner shows from the scripture how to deal with adversity, affliction, and persecution the way that Jesus did by loving our enemies, blessing them that curse us, praying for them that despitefully use us, and not rendering evil for evil. When we are persecuted the Lord stands with us and will not suffer us to be tempted above that we are able.
To learn more about dealing with life's difficulties, click here: Dealing With Problems ...
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The Christian and the Old Testament
VI. The transitional period between the resurrection of Christ and the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70AD.
1. Christ officially and legally abolished the law of Moses when He died on the cross (Col 2:14 c/w Eph 2:15 c/w 2Co 3:13).
2. The New Testament which declared that the law was abolished was not written down by the apostles until 20-30 years l...
Pastor Wagner draws some lessons from the account of King Herod putting John the Baptist in prison and later beheading him (Mar 6:14-29), such as: telling the truth can get you thrown in prison, there is a time to rebuke the king, sinful vows should not be kept, and bad things sometimes happen to good and innocent people....
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The Christian and the Old Testament
V. The Abolition of the Old Testament
1. The law of Moses was only given to the nation of Israel (Psa 147:19-20; Rom 3:1-2).
A. The Gentile nations were never under the law of Moses.
B. Why would the Gentiles be put under the law of Moses (old testament) after Jesus came and abolished it by writing a new testament?
2. The law of Moses was added until the seed...
The preaching of the gospel is pleasing to God, whether it is preached to a child of God who receives it with joy, or to a reprobate who receives it with contempt. In this Bible study, Pastor Wagner shows that Jesus Christ is not some soft, syrupy, sissy man who avoided offending sinners, but is rather the sovereign God of the universe who expects sinners to come to Him on His terms, or not at all. ...
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The Christian and the Old Testament
D. The "old" or "first" testament/covenant is the law of Moses.
i. Each time the word "old" or "first" testament/covenant is used in the NT, it is referring to the law of Moses, such as the following:
a. The first covenant (Heb 8:7,9; Heb 9:1).
(i) The first covenant was the law of Moses which gave commandments concerning the Levitical priesthood (Heb 8:4) and ...
For a master copy of the outline, click here:
The Christian and the Old Testament
I. The purpose of this study.
1. There is a lot of confusion among professing Christians concerning the role of the Old Testament, and specifically the law of Moses, in the lives of Christians living under the New Testament.
2. Many believe that Christians today are required by God to keep the law of Moses, or at least some parts of it such as the sabbath or the...
For a master copy of the outline, click here: Dating and Preparing For Marriage
To listen to the previous sermon in the series, click here: Part 5
To listen to the next sermon in the series, click here: Part 7
C. If a Christian's heart is right, his purpose in dating an unbeliever is to attempt to convert her.
i. There is a lo...
For a master copy of the outline, click here: Dating and Preparing For Marriage
To listen to the previous sermon in the series, click here: Part 4
To listen to the next sermon in the series, click here: Part 6
VIII. Dating consi...
For a master copy of the outline, click here: Dating and Preparing For Marriage
To listen to the previous sermon in the series, click here: Part 3
To listen to the next sermon in the series, click here: Part 5
ix. Patience
a. P...
For a master copy of the outline, click here: Dating and Preparing For Marriage
To listen to the previous sermon in the series, click here: Part 2
To listen to the next sermon in the series, click here: Part 4
iv. Humility
a. H...