The Doctrine of Jesus Christ

The following are links to a sermons which expound many aspects of the doctrine of Jesus Christ including His divinity, sonship, faith, humanity, attributes, and names. "For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord..." (2Co 4:5)

The outlines are attached below.

The Deity of Jesus Christ

The Deity of Jesus Christ (Part 1) - Old Testament Prophecies of the Deity of Christ, Jesus Claimed to Be God

The Deity of Jesus Christ (Part 2) - The NT Declares that Jesus is God; Jesus' Works Demand that He is God

The Sonship of Jesus Christ

The Sonship of Jesus Christ - Refuting the Heresy of Eternal Generation (Part 1)

The Sonship of Jesus Christ - Refuting the Heresy of Eternal Generation (Part 2)

The Humanity of Jesus Christ

The Humanity of Jesus Christ

The Faith of Jesus Christ

The Faith of Jesus Christ

The Death of Jesus Christ

The Death of Jesus Christ (Part 1) - A Medical Doctor's Description of Crucifixion

The Death of Jesus Christ (Part 2) - Its Object, Effect, Sufficiency, and Importance

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

The Names of Jesus Christ

The Names of Jesus (Part 1)

The Names of Jesus (Part 2)

The Names of Jesus (Part 3)

The Names of Jesus (Part 4)

The Names of Jesus (Part 5)

The Names of Jesus (Part 6)

The Names of Jesus (Part 7)

The Priesthood of Jesus Christ

Melchisedec's Priesthood (Part 1)

Melchisedec's Priesthood (Part 2)

Melchisedec's Priesthood (Part 3)

Melchisedec's Priesthood (Part 4)

Melchisedec's Priesthood (Part 5)

Another Jesus

Another Jesus (Part 1) - His Nature; His Birth

Another Jesus (Part 2) - His Death; His Appearance; His Salvation of His People; His Kingdom

Another Jesus (Part 3) - His Church; His Word; His Attitude, Emotions, and Character

Another Jesus (Part 4) - His Attitude, Emotions, and Character

Another Jesus (Part 5) - His Future Plans

Jesus Was Not a Sissy Man

Jesus Was Not Some Lovey-Dovey, Soft, Syrupy, Sissy Man

Who Is Jesus Christ? (A Bible Study for Children)

Who Is Jesus Christ? (A Bible Study for Children)

What it Would Have Been Like to Be Jesus

What it Would Have Been Like to Be Jesus (Part 1)

What it Would Have Been Like to Be Jesus (Part 2)

What it Would Have Been Like to Be Jesus (Part 3)

More About Jesus

More About Jesus

Following Jesus

Following Jesus (Part 1)

Following Jesus (Part 2)


Attachment Size
The Deity of Jesus Christ.doc 54.3 kB
The Deity of Jesus Christ.PDF 100.8 kB
The Sonship of Jesus Christ.doc 104.4 kB
The Sonship of Jesus Christ.PDF 292.8 kB
The Faith of Jesus Christ.doc 36.9 kB
The Faith of Jesus Christ.PDF 60.3 kB
The Names of Jesus.doc 144.9 kB
The Names of Jesus.PDF 478.6 kB
Another Jesus.doc 133.1 kB
Another Jesus.PDF 365.0 kB
The Humanity of Jesus Christ.doc 38.4 kB
The Humanity of Jesus Christ.PDF 39.4 kB
The Death of Jesus Christ.doc 90.1 kB
The Death of Jesus Christ.PDF 301.6 kB
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ.doc 43.0 kB
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ.PDF 68.0 kB
Melchisedec's Priesthood.doc 92.2 kB
Melchisedec's Priesthood.PDF 284.2 kB
What it Would Have Been Like to Be Jesus.doc 52.2 kB
What it Would Have Been Like to Be Jesus.PDF 99.4 kB
Following Jesus.doc 44.0 kB
Following Jesus.pdf 414.7 kB
Following Jesus.doc 43.5 kB
Following Jesus.pdf 414.7 kB
Following Jesus (updated).doc 43.5 kB
Following Jesus (updated).pdf 414.7 kB