The Deity of Jesus Christ (Part 2) - The NT Declares that Jesus is God; Jesus' Works Demand that He is God
Submitted by Pastor Chad Wagner on Sunday, January 31, 2016.
For a master copy of the outline, click here: The Deity of Jesus Christ
To Listen on YouTube, click here: The Deity of Jesus Christ (Part 2) - The NT Declares that Jesus is God; Jesus' Works Demand that He is God
IV. The New Testament declares that Jesus is God.
1. Jesus is the Word who is God (Joh 1:1-3 c/w Joh 1:14).
2. Jesus is God manifest in the flesh (1Ti 3:16).
3. Jesus is one with the Father and the Holy Ghost (1Jo 5:7).
4. Jesus, the Son of God, is God (Heb 1:8).
5. Jesus thought it not robbery to be equal with God (Phi 2:6).
6. Jesus is the true God and eternal life (1Jo 5:20 c/w 1Jo 1:2 c/w 1Jo 5:11).
7. Jesus is God blessed forever (Rom 9:5).
8. Jesus is the Almighty God (Rev 1:7-8 c/w Gen 17:1 c/w Job 8:3).
9. Jesus is the great God and our Saviour (Tit 2:13), for whose appearing we wait (1Ti 6:14; 1Pe 1:7).
10. Jesus is the first and the last (Rev 1:17-18; Rev 21:6; Rev 22:13).
A. Jehovah God is the first and the last (Isa 44:6-8; Isa 48:12).
B. Therefore, Jesus is God.
11. Jesus is the Savior (Tit 1:4).
A. There is no savior beside God (Isa 43:11).
B. Therefore, Jesus is God.
12. Thomas called Jesus his Lord and his God (Joh 20:28).
13. The things the apostles said about Jesus would be absurd and blasphemous to say about any other being (man or angel).
A. All things were made by Christ (Joh 1:1-3; 14; Eph 3:9; Heb 1:2; 1Co 8:6; Col 1:16).
i. God created the heaven and the earth (Gen 1:1).
ii. Therefore, Jesus is God.
B. All things consist by Christ (Col 1:17).
i. Consist v. - 1. intr. To have a settled existence, subsist, hold together, exist, be. Obs. (or arch., after Col. i. 17).
ii. What man or angel could this be said of without blaspheming?
iii. It's not blasphemy to be said of Jesus because He is God.
C. In all things He has the preeminence (Col 1:18).
i. Preeminence - 1. Higher rank or distinction; priority of place, precedence; superiority.
ii. What man or angel could this be said of without blaspheming?
iii. It's not blasphemy to be said of Jesus because He is God.
D. In Him all fulness dwells (Col 1:19).
i. What man or angel could this be said of without blaspheming?
ii. It's not blasphemy to be said of Jesus because He is God.
E. In Him dwelleth the all the fulness of the Godhead bodily (Col 2:9).
i. What man or angel could this be said of without blaspheming?
ii. It's not blasphemy to be said of Jesus because He is God.
F. Jesus is the express image of God's person (Heb 1:3).
i. Express adj. - 1. a. Of an image or likeness: Truly depicted, exactly resembling, exact. Now chiefly with reminiscence of Heb. i. 3.
ii. Image n. - 1. An artificial imitation or representation of the external form of any object, esp. of a person, or of the bust of a person. a. Such an imitation in the solid form; a statue, effigy, sculptured figure.
iii. What man or angel could this be said of without blaspheming?
iv. It's not blasphemy to be said of Jesus because He is God.
G. He is made so much better than the angels (Heb 1:4).
i. What man or angel could this be said of without blaspheming?
ii. It's not blasphemy to be said of Jesus because He is God.
H. He is the blessed and only Potentate, King of kings, and Lord of lords, who only hath immortality (1Ti 6:15-16).
i. What man or angel could this be said of without blaspheming?
ii. It's not blasphemy to be said of Jesus because He is God.
I. He is the head of all things and all things are under His feet (Eph 1:22).
i. What man or angel could this be said of without blaspheming?
ii. It's not blasphemy to be said of Jesus because He is God.
J. Every knee shall bow to Jesus Christ and confess that He is Lord (Phi 2:9-11; Rev 5:13).
i. What man or angel could this be said of without blaspheming?
ii. It's not blasphemy to be said of Jesus because He is God.
K. We shall all stand at the judgment seat of Christ and give an account of ourselves to Christ who is God (Rom 14:10-12).
i. What man or angel could this be said of without blaspheming?
ii. It's not blasphemy to be said of Jesus because He is God.
L. God hath chosen us in Christ before the foundation of the world that we should be holy (Eph 1:4).
i. What man or angel could this be said of without blaspheming?
ii. It's not blasphemy to be said of Jesus because He is God.
M. Jesus abolished the old covenant in His flesh (Eph 2:15).
i. Only God can abolish his own law.
ii. Therefore, Jesus is God.
V. The works that Jesus did demand that He is God (Luk 8:39).
1. Only God can do wondrous things (Psa 72:18).
A. The apostles did miraculous works, but they did it through the power that Christ gave them (Mar 16:17-20; Act 3:6-7).
B. Jesus did miraculous works by His own power and by His own word, proving He was God, such as the following.
2. Jesus knew men's thoughts (Luk 6:8; Luk 9:47; Joh 2:24-25).
A. Jesus is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Heb 4:12-13).
B. Only God knows the hearts of the children of men (1Ki 8:39).
C. Therefore, Jesus is God.
3. Jesus walked on water (Mar 6:48-51).
4. Jesus controlled the weather (Mar 4:39-41).
A. God controls the weather (Job 37:9-14; Psa 148:8).
B. Therefore, Jesus is God.
5. Jesus created wine from water (Joh 2:7-11), and bread and fish from nothing (Mar 6:35-44).
A. God is the Creator (Isa 40:28).
B. Therefore, Jesus is God.
6. Jesus raised the dead (Mar 5:41-42; Joh 11:43-44).
7. Jesus gave sight to the blind (Mar 8:22-25).
8. Jesus cast out devils, and they feared Him, knowing that he was the Holy One (Mar 1:23-26).
A. God is the Holy One (Isa 43:15).
B. This is just one more proof that Jesus is God.
9. Jesus said that even if you don't believe Him, believe the works which prove that He is God (Joh 10:36-38).