The Excelsior Springs Church
The Excelsior Springs Church is a Historic, Independent, Unincorporated, Non-501c3, KJV-only, Sovereign Grace Baptist Church which meets in Excelsior Springs, Missouri near Kansas City. We believe in the divine inspiration and preservation of the Bible in the King James Version (Authorized Version of 1611), which is the only basis of our faith and practice. We believe in the sovereign electing grace of God which alone saves sinners eternally and that a man's faith in Jesus Christ is the evidence, not the cause, of eternal life. We believe that once a man believes the gospel and repents of his sins, he ought to be baptized by immersion in water which adds him to the local church. We believe that the local church was instituted by God for the edifying and improvement of the faith of God's children and is where they should worship Him in spirit and in truth and fellowship with Christians of like-faith.
Check out Pastor Wagner's new personal website: Pastor Wagner's Corner.
Do You Know For Whom Christ Died?
Answer a Few Questions to Find Out

Do you know for whom Christ died? Take a few minutes and go through a series of questions to see if you know.
*** Begin ***
For a tutorial of The King's Highway, click here: For Whom Did Christ Die?
Pastor Wagner's new book The True Grace of God is finally published! In this book, Pastor Wagner expounds the doctrine of sovereign grace and refutes the errors of Arminianism and Calvinism.
Check it out here.
To download the outline for free and to listen to the entire series, click here: Problem Texts.
Read reviews of the books here.
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