The Holy Spirit (Part 06) - Functions of the Holy Spirit (Part D) - Miraculous Gifts


The Holy Spirit (Part 06) - Functions of the Holy Spirit (Part D) - Miraculous Gifts 14. Spiritual gifts A. The Holy Spirit is the giver of spiritual gifts (1Co 12:1, 4-7). B. There are two categories of spiritual gifts: sign (miraculous) gifts and ordinary gifts. i. Sign gifts a. The Holy Ghost is the giver of miraculous gifts (Heb 2:4; 1Co 12:11). b. The miraculous gifts were apostolic gifts called the signs of an apostle (2Co 12:12). c. The sign gifts include: (i) The word of wisdom and knowledge (1Co 12:8). 1. This is not ordinary wisdom and knowledge which are available to all men. 2. This is evident because they are listed with other miraculous gifts such as healing, miracles, prophecy, and tongues (1Co 12:9-10). 3. This wisdom was a special gift of the Holy Spirit that was given to the apostles (Luk 12:11-12 c/w Luk 21:12-15). 4. This knowledge was a special gift of supernatural knowledge given to the apostles (1Co 13:2). 5. This gift of knowledge, along with prophecy and tongues, would vanish away after the revelation of the New Testament was complete (1Co 13:8-10). (ii) Faith (1Co 12:9). 1. This is not the “common faith” which all the elect are given (Tit 1:4). 2. This was a supernatural faith given to the apostles by the Holy Spirit which made it possible for them to move mountains (1Co 13:2; Mat 17:20; Mat 21:21; Mar 11:23; Luk 17:6). 3. See sermons on The Word of Faith movement for a Biblical explanation of the gift of miraculous faith ( (iii)Healing (1Co 12:9). 1. The Holy Spirit gave the apostles and some Christians in the first century the supernatural gift of healing the sick. 2. Though the power of God they were able to heal the lame (Act 3:6-7 c/w Act 4:22; Act 14:8-10) and the sick (Act 5:15-16; Act 8:7), and even raise the dead (Act 9:40). (iv) Working of miracles (1Co 12:10). 1. The apostles and other first-century Christians were able to work miracles through the gift of the Holy Spirit. 2. Stephen (Act 6:8), Philip (Act 8:6), and Paul (Act 19:11) are a few examples of men who had the gift of miracle working. (v) Prophecy (1Co 12:10). 1. The Holy Spirit gave the apostles and prophets the gift of prophecy while the NT was still being written (Act 2:17-18; Act 19:6; Rom 12:6). 2. There were even some women that had the gift of prophecy in those days (Act 21:9). 3. The gift of prophecy expired when the revelation of the NT was complete (1Co 13:8-10). 4. See series called “The Sign Gifts” for more information on the gift of prophecy ( (vi) Discerning of spirits (1Co 12:10). 1. The apostles were given the ability to discern spirits with certainty (Act 8:20-23; Act 13:10; Act 16:16- 18). 2. This ability to discern spirits went beyond the natural ability that all Christians have by examining someone’s doctrine (1Jo 4:1-3, 6) and fruit (Mat 7:15-20). (vii) Tongues (1Co 12:10). 1. The apostles and some first-century Christians were given the gift of tongues whereby they were able to speak in languages that they had never learned (Act 2:4, 11; 1Co 14:18). 2. See series called “The Sign Gifts” for more information on the gift of tongues ( (viii) Interpretation of tongues (1Co 12:10). 1. The Holy Spirit also gave some men the gift to interpret tongues. 2. This was done so that a message given in an unknown language could be interpreted so that all could understand it and be edified (1Co 14:5; 1Co 14:27- 28). d. The sign gifts ended in approximately 70AD after a 40-year span beginning with the miracles of Jesus (Mic 7:15 c/w Joh 2:11) (see series called “The Sign Gifts”:
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The Holy Spirit (Part 6) - Functions of the Holy Spirit (Part D) - Miraculous Gifts, 7-21-24.mp3 40.6 MB