The Beginning of a Journey (Part 1)

The Beginning of a Journey I. The story of Joshua leading Israel into the promised land is instructive for us as we begin our journey together. 1. The things that are recorded in the Old Testament were written for our learning and admonition. A. They were written for our learning and comfort (Strengthening; encouragement, incitement; aid, succour, support, countenance.), and to give us hope (Rom 15:4). B. They were also written as examples to us for our admonition (The action of admonishing; authoritative counsel; warning, implied reproof.) (1Co 10:11). 2. We would do well to follow their faith and learn from their mistakes. II. Moses' charge to Joshua and Israel -- things we need to heed as be begin our journey. 1. Near the end of his life Moses gave Israel and Joshua a charge before he led them into the promised land (Deu 31:1,6-8; Deu 31:14,23). 2. Notice the charge to Joshua (the leader) was very similar to the charge to Israel (the church). 3. They were told to be strong (Deu 31:6,7,23). A. Strong - 1. a. Of living beings, their body or limbs: Physically powerful; able to exert great muscular force. 3. a. Having great moral power for endurance or effort; firm in will or purpose; able to resist temptation; possessed of courage or fortitude; brave, resolute, steadfast. B. Pastors are told to be strong (2Ti 2:1). C. New Testament Christians are likewise told to be strong (Eph 6:10; 1Co 16:13). 4. They were told to be of good courage (Deu 31:6,7,23). A. Courage - 1. The heart as the seat of feeling, thought, etc.; spirit, mind, disposition, nature. 4. That quality of mind which shows itself in facing danger without fear or shrinking; bravery, boldness, valour. B. Courageous - 1. Having courage, full of courage; brave, fearless, valiant. 1611 Bible Josh. i. 7 Bee thou strong, and very courageous. C. Bold - 1. a. Of persons: Stout-hearted, courageous, daring, fearless; the opposite of ‘timid’ or ‘fearful’. D. Pastors ought to be bold and courageous (Joh 7:26; Act 4:13; Eph 6:20). E. Christians ought to likewise be bold (Phi 1:14). 5. They were told to fear not (Deu 31:6,8). A. Fear v.- II. To feel fear; to regard with fear. To be afraid. B. Fear n. - The emotion of pain or uneasiness caused by the sense of impending danger, or by the prospect of some possible evil. C. Afraid - 1. As pple. Alarmed, frightened; hence as adj., In a state of fear or apprehension, moved or actuated by fear. D. Pastors (and Christians in general) are not to be given to fear (2Ti 1:6-7; Act 27:24). i. Jesus told His apostles to not fear men even when facing persecution, beatings, and death (Mat 10:16-28). ii. Paul was not moved by the afflictions he was facing (Act 20:22-24). E. Christians ought not to fear (Joh 14:1,27; Luk 12:32; Psa 27:3). F. We should fear God only (Mat 10:28; 1Pe 2:17; Heb 12:28-29). G. We must never fear men (Phi 1:28; Isa 51:7; Pro 29:25; Heb 13:6) 6. They were told that God would not forsake them (Deu 31:6,8). A. Forsake v. - 1. trans. To deny (an accusation, an alleged fact, etc.). B. Deny v. - II. To say ‘no’ to the claims of. 4. To refuse to recognize or acknowledge (a person or thing) as having a certain character or certain claims; to disown, disavow, repudiate, renounce. C. God will not forsake his ministers (2Ti 4:16-18; Act 23:11). D. God will not forsake his children in general (Heb 13:5; Isa 49:15-16). E. When times tough times come, God will see us through (Gen 28:15; Isa 41:8-10; Isa 43:1-2). 7. After giving Joshua the charge, Moses ordained him to the office that he held by laying his hands on him (Num 27:18-23). A. The ordination, by the laying on of Moses' hands, gave Joshua a gift of being full of the spirit and of wisdom (Deu 34:9). B. The people then hearkened unto him and did as the Lord commanded. C. The same pattern is repeated in the N.T. every time a man is ordained and given the oversight of a church. i. Ordination is a gift that is given by the laying on of hands by a man of God (1Ti 4:14; 2Ti 1:6). ii. The newly ordained pastor is given a charge (1Ti 1:18; 1Ti 5:21; 1Ti 6:13-14; 2Ti 4:1-5). iii. He is to take the oversight of the church (1Pe 5:1-3). iv. The church is therefore to receive him as such (Act 18:27; Phi 2:29; Col 4:10). v. The church is to submit to his rule (Heb 13:7, 17 c/w Num 27:20).
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