Sermons by 2012

Sovereign Grace (Part 2)

For a paperback book in outline form which addresses over 150 difficult verses that Arminians use against Sovereign Grace, check out: Problem Texts for Sovereign Grace: Rooting Arminianism Out of Every Verse. 4. Those whom God chose before the foundation of the world were chosen in Christ (Eph 1:4) and were given to Christ to give eternal life to (Joh 6:37-39; Joh 10:27-29; Joh 17:2). A. God did not give all of mankin...

Sovereign Grace (Part 1)

For a paperback book in outline form which addresses over 150 difficult verses that Arminians use against Sovereign Grace, check out: Problem Texts for Sovereign Grace: Rooting Arminianism Out of Every Verse. Sovereign Grace Sovereign - n. 1. One who has supremacy or rank above, or authority over, others; a superior; a ruler, governor, lord, or master (of persons, etc.). Freq. applied to the Deity in relation to cre...


Happiness - The quality or condition of being happy. Happy - adj. Having a feeling of great pleasure or content of mind, arising from satisfaction with one's circumstances or condition; also in weakened sense: Glad, pleased. Joy - 1. a. A vivid emotion of pleasure arising from a sense of well-being or satisfaction; the feeling or state of being highly pleased or delighted; exultation of spirit; gladness, delight. I. Happiness is a good thing and as Christians it is something we ought to experience....

Adultery and Church Membership

Adultery and Church Membership I. The covenant of marriage. 1. Marriage is a covenant (Mal 2:14). 2. Covenant - 1. A mutual agreement between two or more persons to do or refrain from doing certain acts; a compact, contract, bargain; sometimes, the undertaking, pledge, or promise of one of the parties. 3. The covenant of marriage is different from any other covenant that men can establish. a. It is life-long (Rom 7:2). b. It is made between husband and wife, but it is enforced by God and His law (Ro...

Alive Without the Law (Part 2)

VI. "Sin...slew me" and "I died" -- What was this death? 1. Sin had been laying dormant in Paul, deceiving him (Rom 7:11). A. Deceive - v. 1. trans. To ensnare; to take unawares by craft or guile; to overcome, overreach, or get the better of by trickery; to beguile or betray into mischief or sin; to mislead. B. Sin had deceived Paul by making him think he was alive and righteous. C. Like the people of Laish who dwelt carelessly, quiet and secure, because there was no magistrate in the land to put them t...

Alive Without the Law (Part 1)

Alive Without the Law (Rom 7:9) I. The purpose of this study is to provide a proper Biblical understanding of Rom 7:7-13 and to answer the following questions: 1. Was Paul referring to being spiritually alive (in possession of eternal life) when he said that he was "alive without the law once"? 2. Was Paul referring to living in sinless innocence prior to the law coming to him when he wrote "without the law sin was dead"? 3. Did Paul die spiritually when the commandment came and sin revived and slew h...