The Beginning of a Journey

The Beginning of a Journey (Part 1)

The Beginning of a Journey I. The story of Joshua leading Israel into the promised land is instructive for us as we begin our journey together. 1. The things that are recorded in the Old Testament were written for our learning and admonition. A. They were written for our learning and comfort (Strengthening; encouragement, incitement; aid, succour, support, countenance.), and to give us hope (Rom 15:4). B. They were also written as examples to us for our admonition (The action of admonishing; authorit...

The Beginning of a Journey (Part 2)

III. The Lord's charge unto Joshua. 1. After the death of Moses, the LORD gave Joshua a charge to lead Israel into the promised land (Jos 1:1-2). A. We are also heading to the promised land that God has waiting for us (1Pe 1:4; Joh 14:1-3). B. We are looking for that same city and country that Abraham was (Heb 11:10,16; Heb 13:14). 2. God promised Joshua that he would be with him and not let his enemies stand before him as he did for Moses (Jos 1:5 c/w Deu 7:24). A. God stands by his ministers in the N...

The Beginning of a Journey (Part 3)

6. The LORD then gives Joshua the prescription for a prosperous and successful journey (Jos 1:8). A. Joshua was to meditate in the book of the law. i. Meditate - v. 1. trans. To muse over or reflect upon; to consider, study, ponder. b. To fix one's attention upon; to observe with interest or intentness. ii. Muse v. - 1. a. To be absorbed in thought; to meditate continuously in silence; to ponder. iii. Consider v. - 1. To view or contemplate attentively, to survey, examine, inspect, scrutinize. iv. Stu...