Paul on Mars' Hill

Paul on Mars' Hill (Part 1) - Understanding the Thinking of Unconverted Men

A copy of the outline can be downloaded at the bottom of this page. To Listen on YouTube, click here: Paul on Mars' Hill (Part 1) Paul on Mars’ Hill (Acts 17:16-34) I. This study should accomplish 4 primary things: 1. Show that many times God’s people are no different from the heathen. 2. Observe and rel...

Paul on Mars' Hill (Part 2) - How to Preach the Gospel to the Heathen

A copy of the outline can be downloaded at the bottom of this page. To Listen on YouTube, click here: Paul on Mars' Hill (Part 2) I. Successfully presenting the gospel to the unchurched heathen (v. 22-31). 1. Paul’s manner. A. Paul was not afraid of, nor did he shy away from, rebuking these philosophers (v. ...