Basic Bible Doctrine
Basic Bible Doctrine
I. The Existence and Nature of God
1. The Bible declares that there is only one God (Isa 44:6-8; 1Co 8:6).
2. Even without the revelation of God, man can reason from the creation and know that there is an eternal and omnipotent God who created all things.
A. The visible things that are seen prove the existence of the invisible God who is not seen (Rom 1:20).
B. The heavens declare the glory of God (Psa 19:1).
C. The heavens declare His righteousness (Psa 50:6; Psa 97:6).
D. The...
II. God's Word
1. Throughout time, God has spoken to men by various and different means (Heb 1:1).
A. Sundry - Having an existence, position, or status apart; separate, distinct.
B. Divers - Different or not alike in character or quality; not of the same kind.
2. God spoke by the prophets in the Old Testament times (Heb 1:1).
A. The law that God gave by the prophets was spoken by means of angels (Heb 2:2).
i. The law of Moses was ordained by angels (Gal 3:19).
ii. Ordain - v. I. To put in order, a...
5. The means of the preservation of the scriptures.
A. Some say that God only inspired His word in the original autographs.
B. The original autographs no longer exist, therefore either 1) God lied when he said His words would be preserved forever, or 2) He preserved them in copies and/or translations.
C. God is well able to, and has, preserved His scriptures in copies.
i. Moses and the stone tablets.
a. God gave Moses the "original autographs" which He personally wrote (Exo 31:18).
b. Moses destroyed ...
I. Bible Interpretation (hermeneutics)
1. The origin of sound Bible interpretation.
A. Man is supposed to live by every word of God (Mat 4:4).
i. It is by God's word that we get understanding (Psa 119:104).
ii. The Bible is a light and a lamp to show us the way (Psa 119:105; Pro 6:23).
B. Therefore it would make sense that the Bible would tell us how to interpret itself, which it does.
2. Some prerequisites for understanding the Bible.
A. The Bible can be understood; it is not some dark book shrouded...
3. The rules of Bible interpretation.
A. There are no contradictions in the Bible.
i. When prophets prophesied, they had to do it according to the proportion of faith (Rom 12:6).
a. According adv. - According to. a. In a manner agreeing with, consistent with, or answering to; agreeably to.
b. Proportion - 1. A portion or part in its relation to the whole; a comparative part, a share; sometimes simply, a portion, division, part.
c. In other words, the prophecy given by a prophet which was a portion or ...
For a paperback book in outline form which addresses over 150 difficult verses that Arminians use against Sovereign Grace, check out: Problem Texts for Sovereign Grace: Rooting Arminianism Out of Every Verse.
IV. The Nature of Man (Total Depravity)
1. When Adam and Eve were created by God, they were created very good (Gen 1:27,31).
A. They were created in God's very own image.
B. They were pure and had no concept of...
For a paperback book in outline form which addresses over 150 difficult verses that Arminians use against Sovereign Grace, check out: Problem Texts for Sovereign Grace: Rooting Arminianism Out of Every Verse.
iii. They don't seek after God (Rom 3:11).
a. The wicked will not seek after God, nor do they think about God (Psa 10:4).
1) They do not seek God because they do not mind the things of the Spirit, but rather the...
For a paperback book in outline form which addresses over 150 difficult verses that Arminians use against Sovereign Grace, check out: Problem Texts for Sovereign Grace: Rooting Arminianism Out of Every Verse.
V. The Wages of Sin is Death
1. As was before proved, men inherited a sinful nature from Adam (Rom 5:12; Eph 2:3).
A. We not only inherited a sinful nature, but we have all sinned ourselves (Rom 5:12; Rom 3:23)...
For a paperback book in outline form which addresses over 150 difficult verses that Arminians use against Sovereign Grace, check out: Problem Texts for Sovereign Grace: Rooting Arminianism Out of Every Verse.
VI. Salvation by Grace (Eternal Salvation)
1. Given that men by nature under sin are spiritually dead, unrighteous, and filthy and cannot seek, understand, please, nor believe in God; if man will be reconciled t...
For a paperback book in outline form which addresses over 150 difficult verses that Arminians use against Sovereign Grace, check out: Problem Texts for Sovereign Grace: Rooting Arminianism Out of Every Verse.
VII. Temporal Salvation
1. The Bible makes a distinction between things that are temporal and things that are eternal (2Co 4:18).
A. Temporal - 1. Lasting or existing only for a time; passing, temporary. Now ra...
For a paperback book in outline form which addresses over 150 difficult verses that Arminians use against Sovereign Grace, check out: Problem Texts for Sovereign Grace: Rooting Arminianism Out of Every Verse.
VIII. The Purpose of the Gospel
1. A common question which is often asked when someone first hears of the doctrine of sovereign grace is: "If God chose people to save before He even created the world, then what ...
IX. Baptism
1. What is baptism?
A. Baptism - 1. The action or ceremony of baptizing; immersion of a person in water, or application of water by pouring or sprinkling, as a religious rite, symbolical of moral or spiritual purification or regeneration, and, as a Christian ordinance, betokening initiation into the Church.
B. Baptize - Etymology - [a. F. baptise-r, -izer (11th c.), ad. L. baptiza-re, ad. Gr. βaπτξειν ‘to immerse, bathe, wash, drench,’ in Christian use appropriated to the religious rite, ...
vi. What about "household baptisms" in the Bible?
a. Let's examine each of the five "household baptisms" in the Bible.
b. Cornelius' house (Act 10:47-48).
1) It is true that more than Cornelius was baptized by Peter.
2) Cornelius had invited his kinsmen and near friends to hear Peter (Act 10:24).
3) The members of Cornelius' house were all old enough to fear God, since he feared God with ALL his house, which could not include infants as they are too young to fear God (Act 10:2).
4) The same people tha...
X. The Local Church
1. A church is a congregation of people (Heb 2:12 c/w Psa 22:22; Act 7:38 c/w Exo 16:2).
2. There is more than one type of church found in the scriptures.
A. In the last section, it was shown that baptism adds a person to the church. In this section, it will be shown which church is under consideration.
B. The Bible speaks of the universal church comprised of all the redeemed from all time as the church (Heb 12:22-23).
i. This is the whole family of God (Eph 3:15).
ii. This chur...
XI. True Worship
1. The necessity of worshipping God in truth.
A. God must be worshipped in spirit and in truth (Joh 4:24).
i. Truth - I. The quality of being true. 1. a. The character of being, or disposition to be, true to a person, principle, cause, etc.; faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty, constancy, steadfast allegiance.
II. 5. a. Conformity with fact; agreement with reality; accuracy, correctness, verity (of statement or thought).
ii. True worshippers worship God in truth (Joh 4:23).
a. True - 1....
XII. Christian Duty
1. So you know and understand who the true God is, what the true word of God is, how to study and understand the Bible, that men by nature are totally depraved and condemned under sin, that Jesus Christ saved His elect eternally by grace alone, that belief and obedience of the gospel saves God's children temporally, and that believers ought to be baptized and added to a true church that worships God in spirit and in truth.
A. At this point, if you understand and believe all of the a...
XIII. The Second Coming of Christ
1. This Basic Bible Doctrine series started by covering things that took place before time began and will end by covering things that will take place after time ends.
2. What will the second coming of Christ be like? How will we know when it happens?
A. When Jesus left this earth after His resurrection, angels told the disciples who watched him depart into heaven that he would return in like manner (Act 1:9-11).
i. Like - 1. Having the same characteristics or qualities...