Satan (Part 03) - Satan's Attributes (Part A)

Watch the video of this sermon on YouTube: Satan (Part 03) - Satan's Attributes (Part A) For the outline and the rest of the sermons in this series, click here: Satan To listen to or watch the previous sermon in the series, click here: (Part 2) To listen to or watch the next sermon in the series, click here: (Part 4) IV. Satan's attributes 1. He is a spirit. A. He is the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience (Eph 2:2 c/w Luk 4:5-6 c/w Joh 12:31). B. He is not flesh and blood (Eph 6:11-12; Joh 13:27). 2. He is not eternal. A. He was created and therefore is not eternal (Eze 28:15). B. He wants to be like the most High (Isa 14:14) who is eternal (Deu 33:27; 1Ti 1:17). C. The fact that Satan wants to be like God who is eternal proves that he is not eternal. 3. He is not omnipotent. A. He was bound by Jesus Christ and therefore is not omnipotent (Rev 20:1-2). B. He wants to be like the most High (Isa 14:14) who is omnipotent (Rev 19:6). C. The fact that Satan wants to be like God who is omnipotent proves that he is not omnipotent. 4. He is not omnipresent. A. He will flee from us when properly resisted which means that he is not omnipresent (Mat 4:10-11; Jam 4:7). B. He wants to be like the most High (Isa 14:14) who is omnipresent (Pro 15:3). C. The fact that Satan wants to be like God who is eternal omnipresent proves that he is not omnipresent. 5. He is not omniscient. A. There are things that Satan doesn't know; therefore, he is not omniscient (1Co 2:7-8). B. He wants to be like the most High (Isa 14:14) who is omniscient (Psa 147:5). C. The fact that Satan wants to be like God who is omniscient proves that he is not omniscient. 6. He is not God. A. He wants to be like the most High (Isa 14:14), which proves that he is not God. B. He is the god of this world (2Co 4:4). 7. He is powerful. A. He is able to keep people in spiritual darkness who can only be freed by the preaching of the gospel (Act 26:18). B. He can provoke God's children to sin (1Ch 21:1). C. He can destroy a man's livelihood, family, and health if God permits him to (Job 1:12-19; Job 2:7-8). D. He was the chief of the angels, one of which can kill hundreds of thousands of men in one night (2Ki 19:35). E. He is able to bind people with physical affliction for years (Luk 13:16). F. He is able to hinder the saints from traveling to see each other (1Th 2:18). G. He is able to do convincing lying signs and wonders (2Th 2:9). 8. He is very intelligent. A. As Lucifer, he sealed up the sum and was full of wisdom (Eze 28:12). B. In other words, in Lucifer was given more wisdom than in any other created being.