Psalm 37 (Part 08) - Psa 37:15 - God Judges the Wicked With Their Own Devices

Watch the video of this sermon on YouTube: Psalm 37 (Part 8) - Psa 37:15 - God Judges the Wicked With Their Own Devices For the outline and the rest of the Bible studies in this series, click here: Psalm 37 To listen to or watch the previous Bible study in the series, click here: Part 7 To listen to or watch the next Bible study in the series, click here: Part 9 15. Psa 37:15 - "Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken." A. The Lord hears the cry of the poor (Psa 69:33). B. God pays attention when they are being oppressed (Ecc 5:8). C. The wicked will be a ransom for the upright (Pro 21:18). D. The Lord saves the poor from the sword of the wicked by turning it back upon them (Job 5:15-16; Psa 12:5; Psa 35:10; Psa 72:4,12-13). E. The LORD specializes in judging and punishing the wicked with their own devices (Pro 11:5-6; Pro 26:27; Ecc 10:8; Jdg 9:52-57; Dan 6:24; Est 7:9-10). F. God will overthrow the house of the wicked and make the upright to flourish (Pro 14:11). G. God will destroy the weapons and means that mighty, wicked men use to persecute the poor and righteous (1Sa 2:4).