Proverbs 7:11 (Mini Sermon)


11. Pro 7:11 - "(She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house:" A. In this verse Solomon gives his son some characteristics of strange women to help him identify and avoid them. B. She is loud and stubborn; i. A strange woman is loud. a. Loud adj. - 1. a. Of sounds or voices: Strongly audible; making a powerful impression on the sense of hearing. Hence, with agent-noun: That (speaks, sings, etc.) with a loud voice. 2. fig. a. Clamorous, noisy; also, in more favourable sense, emphatic or vehement in expression. b. Noisy adj. - 1. a. Making, or given to making, a loud noise; clamorous, turbulent. c. She is like the foolish woman who is clamorous (Pro 9:13). (i) Clamorous adj. - 1. Of the nature of clamour; uttered with, or accompanied by, clamour or shouting; noisy. (ii) Clamour n. - 1. Loud shouting or outcry, vociferation; esp. the excited outcry of vehement appeal, complaint, or opposition: commonly, but not always, implying a mingling of voices. d. She is imperious (Eze 16:30). e. Imperious adj. - 3. Overbearing, domineering, dictatorial. (The prevailing modern sense.) f. She is the opposite of a godly woman who is of a meek and quiet spirit (1Pe 3:4). (i) Meek adj. - 1. a. Gentle, courteous, kind. Of a superior: Merciful, compassionate, indulgent. b. As connoting a Christian virtue: Free from haughtiness and self-will; piously humble and submissive; patient and unresentful under injury and reproach. c. Submissive, humble (ii) Quiet adj. - I. 1. a. Of persons (or animals): Making no stir, commotion, or noise; causing no trouble or disturbance; remaining at rest; not moving or acting. b. (Also of nature or disposition.) Habitually or naturally peaceful or averse to making stir, noise, etc. II. 3. Free from disturbance, molestation, or annoyance; not interfered or meddled with; left in peace. 4. a. Characterized by the absence of all strife, bustle, stir, or commotion; also, free from noise or uproar, silent, still. g. When you meet a woman who is loud, overbearing, domineering, dictatorial, and contentious, run. h. If you have a very strong aversion to loud, clamorous, and domineering women like I do, you won't have much to worry about because they will run from you. ii. A strange woman is stubborn. a. Stubborn adj. - 1. a. Of persons or animals: Pertinacious or dogged in refusing obedience or compliance; unyielding, inflexible, obstinate: chiefly in bad sense, unreasonably obstinate. In early use app. sometimes with stronger notion: Untameable, implacable, ruthless, fierce. b. A strange woman is hard-headed, head-strong, and determined to do whatever she wants to, regardless of the wishes, desires, or commands of her husband (or the LORD for that matter). c. She is the opposite of a godly woman who is submissive and obedient to her husband (Eph 5:23-24; Tit 2:5). (i) Submit v. - I. 1. refl. and intr. To place oneself under the control of a person in authority or power; to become subject, surrender oneself, or yield to a person or his rule, etc. (ii) Obedient adj. - 1. a. That obeys or is willing to obey; submissive to the will of a superior; complying with or carrying out a command or commands; doing what one is bidden; subservient; dutiful. d. When you meet a woman who is strong willed and doesn't want to be told what to do, run. e. Women like this will be naturally repelled by a man of strong character and authority. f. If you want to avoid strange women, be such a man. C. her feet abide not in her house: i. Abide v. - I. intr. To wait, stay, remain. a. A strange woman doesn't stay at home. b. She is always out running around getting herself into trouble. ii. She is not a keeper at home like a Christian woman is commanded to be (Tit 2:5). a. If she was at home, she wouldn't be alluring men. b. If all married women were keepers at home as the scripture commands there would be far less adultery because there would be far less opportunity for it.
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