Proverbs 6:23 (Mini Sermon)


23. Pro 6:23 - "For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:" A. For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; i. The commandment and the law are both synonyms for the scriptures, the word of God (Num 15:31; Psa 119:172; Deut 17:18-19; Mic 4:2). a. Commandment n. - 1. An authoritative order or injunction; a precept given by authority. 2. esp. A divine command. b. Law n. - I. A rule of conduct imposed by authority. 1. a. The body of rules, whether proceeding from formal enactment or from custom, which a particular state or community recognizes as binding on its members or subjects. (In this sense usually the law.) †Also, in early use, a code or system of rules of this kind. ii. The word of God (the scripture) is a spiritual lamp that gives light so that we can see God's will for our lives, our sin, the nature of the world around us, and how we should live in it. a. Lamp n. - 1. a. A vessel containing oil, which is burnt at a wick, for the purpose of illumination. Now also a vessel of glass or some similar material, enclosing the source of illumination, whether a candle, oil, gas-jet, or incandescent wire. b. Light n. - 1. That natural agent or influence which (emanating from the sun, bodies intensely heated or burning, and various other sources) evokes the functional activity of the organ of sight. a. Viewed as the medium of visual perception generally. Also, the condition of space in which light is present, and in which therefore vision is possible. Opposed to darkness. iii. God's word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (Psa 119:105). iv. When God's words enter our minds they give us light and understanding (Psa 119:130). v. The New Testament especially is as a light that shines in a dark place to elucidate God's truth and make it plain to be understood (2Pe 1:19). vi. The path of the just, which is illuminated by the scriptures, is as the shining light that shines more and more unto the perfect day (Pro 4:18). B. and reproofs of instruction are the way of life: i. Reproof of instruction is one of the primary purposes for which the scriptures were given (2Ti 3:16). a. Reproof n. - 3. Censure, rebuke, reprimand, reprehension. 1611 Bible Prov. xv. 5 A foole despiseth his fathers instruction: but hee that regardeth reproofe, is prudent. b. Instruction n. - 1. The action of instructing or teaching; the imparting of knowledge or skill; education; †information. ii. Pastors are commanded to preach the word and reprove, rebuke, and exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine (2Ti 4:2). iii. Reproofs of instruction are the way of life. a. Life in the real world is accompanied by reproofs of instruction. (i) He who hears and keeps instruction is in the way of life (Pro 10:17). (ii) Wise men will hear the reproof of life (Pro 15:31). (iii) He that regards reproof is prudent (Pro 15:5). b. But those who despise and refuse reproof and instruction are stupid fools (Pro 1:7; Pro 12:1; Pro 15:5; Pro 23:9). (i) Those who will not hear rebuke are scorners (Pro 13:1). (ii) Those that refuse instruction hate themselves (Pro 15:32). (iii) They will be impoverished and ashamed (Pro 13:18). (iv) They that refuse reproof are not in the way of life, but rather in the way of death (Pro 15:10). c. If you are a person who hates reproof and doesn't think it should be part of life, you are not living in reality because reproofs of instruction are the way of life. C. Tying both parts of Pro 6:23 together, the scriptures preached by men of God are used to reprove sinners and expose their sin as light exposes things hidden in darkness (Hos 6:5).
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