Proverbs 1:3 (Mini Sermon)
Submitted by Pastor Chad Wagner on Thursday, December 13, 2018.

3. Pro 1:3 - "To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment, and equity;" A. To "know wisdom and instruction" (Pro 1:2), one must "receive the instruction of wisdom" (Pro 1:3). i. Receive v. - I. 1. a. trans. To take in one's hand, or into one's possession (something held out or offered by another); to take delivery of (a thing) from another, either for oneself or for a third party. d. To take from another by hearing or listening; to attend, listen, or give heed to. ii. Instruction n.- 1. The action of instructing or teaching; the imparting of knowledge or skill; education; information. iii. From this we can learn three things. a. Firstly, it tells us that the instruction of wisdom is available for the taking. b. Secondly, it lets us know that for a man to acquire the instruction of wisdom he must first desire it and be willing to accept it from another who is prepared to impart it to him. c. Thirdly, for the instruction of wisdom to be received the recipient must exert mental effort by listening, attending, and giving heed to what he is being taught. B. Another purpose of the Proverbs is also to receive the instruction of justice, judgment, and equity. i. Justice n. - 1. The quality of being (morally) just or righteous; the principle of just dealing; the exhibition of this quality or principle in action; just conduct; integrity, rectitude. a. Justice is an integral ingredient for a happy and tranquil life, both personal and societal. b. Many people clamor for justice in the courts, but they themselves are not just and righteous in their personal lives. c. Is it any wonder that justice has been turned on its head in the United States when judgment has not first begun in the house of God (1Pe 4:17)? d. If God's people would judge themselves, they would not be judged by being given leaders who pervert justice (1Co 11:31). e. Justice will not be found in a society devoid of wisdom. f. By wisdom kings are supposed to reign and princes decree justice (Pro 8:15), which is why the instruction of wisdom must be first received, and justice will follow (Pro 1:3). ii. Judgment n. - 1. a. The action of trying a cause in a court of justice; trial. 8. a. The faculty of judging; ability to form an opinion; that function of the mind whereby it arrives at a notion of anything; the critical faculty; discernment. a. Judgment and justice go hand-in-hand. b. These two virtues are essential in a good leader, as the Lord told David, "he that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God" (2Sa 23:3). c. God chose to us Abraham because he would "do justice and judgment" (Gen 18:19). d. Every father would do well to follow Abraham's example. e. The great king David "executed judgment and justice unto all his people" (2Sa 8:15). f. God made Solomon king for the same purpose (1Ki 10:9). g. O that leaders today would rule in the fear of God and do justice and judgment! h. But men can't expect their leaders to execute justice and judgment if they themselves live morally reprehensible lives. i. Some men reason that getting religious will make up for their lack of principle and integrity, but the scripture says that "to do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice" (Pro 21:3). iii. Equity n. - 1. The quality of being equal or fair; fairness, impartiality; evenhanded dealing. a. Even children have a sense of fairness, at least when it comes to how they are treated. (i) A common chorus in every home with young children is "that's not fair!" (ii) While nearly all men know that they should be treated fairly, and quickly recognize when they have not been, many of them have a memory lapse when it comes to their dealing rightly with others. (iii) Hence the importance of reading the book of Proverbs, to "receive the instruction of . . . equity" (Pro 1:3). b. Our country resembles Israel of old when it comes to a lack of equity (Isa 59:14; Mic 3:9). (i) The wealthy pay a much higher percentage of their income in taxes than do lower income people. (ii) Certain classes of people are accepted into universities and offered jobs based on their skin color, sexual preference, or protected status. (iii) The ultra-rich and famous get off with short, cushy jail sentences for crimes that a normal man would not, such as billionaire Jeffery Epstein who served a 13 month sentence in a private wing of a county jail with work-release and immunity from further prosecution in the future for molesting young girls. c. Dealing equitably with people is especially important for pastors (1Ti 5:21) and all Christians alike (Jam 2:1). d. The Lord Jesus Christ is the model of a man who was just and fair in His dealing with men (Isa 11:1-5; Mat 22:16).