Proverbs (Part 063) - Pro 6:13-14
Submitted by Pastor Chad Wagner on Wednesday, January 13, 2021.

13. Pro 6:13 - "He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers;" A. All these actions are clandestine methods of communication that wicked men use to convey nonverbal information to other wicked men. B. He winketh with his eyes, i. Wink v. - 1. a. intr. To close one's eyes. (Also in fig. context: cf. 5, 6.) Obs. 7. a. intr. To give a significant glance, as of command, direction, or invitation: usually const. on, upon, later to, at. Obs. ii. The wicked wink with the eye to signal their evil intentions to their conspirators (Psa 35:19). a. This is a prophecy of the wicked who hated Jesus Christ without a cause (Joh 15:25). b. They conspired together to destroy Him (Psa 69:4 c/w Mar 3:6 c/w Mar 11:18 c/w Mat 27:20). iii. He that winks with his eye causes sorrow (Pro 10:10). iv. Winking with the eyes is a sign that a man has turned his spirit against God (Job 15:12-13). v. " is the air and gesture of a sneering and deceitful man, who gives the wink to some of his friends, sneering at the weakness of another in company; or as signifying to them some secret design of his against another, which he chooses not to declare in any other way;" (John Gill's Commentary, Pro 6:13) C. he speaketh with his feet, i. "The motions of the feet have a language; the stamping of the feet expresses rage; here it seems to intend the giving of a him to another, by privately pressing his foot with his, when he should be silent or should speak, or do this or the other thing he would have him do;" (John Gill's Commentary, Pro 6:13) ii. Pressing one's foot on another's under the table at a meeting can convey a secret message such as telling the man to not respond or to lie. iii. Also certain standing postures can convey messages to those in the know. D. he teacheth with his fingers; i. Teach v. - B. Signification. I. To show, etc. 1. trans. To show, present or offer to view. 2. To show or point out (a thing, the way, a place, etc.) to a person. Obs. 3. a. To show (a person) the way; to direct, conduct, convoy, guide (to, from a place); to send away; also, to direct or refer (to something). Obs. 4. To show what is to be observed or done; to direct, appoint, prescribe, decree, enjoin. II. To show by way of information or instruction. 5. to teach a thing: To impart or convey the knowledge of; to give instruction or lessons in (a subject); †to make known, deliver (a message). ii. Hand or head signals can convey information (Luk 1:22; Luk 5:7; Joh 13:24; Act 12:17; Act 13:16; Act 19:33; Act 21:40; Act 24:10). a. Beckon ¬v. - 1. intr. To make a mute signal or significant gesture with the head, hand, finger, etc.; now esp. in order to bid a person approach. 2. trans. (the object orig. dat.; see sense 1): To make a mute signal or significant gesture of head or hand to (a person), as commanding his attention or action, and esp. his approach; hence, to summon or bid approach by such a gesture. b. These instances of beckoning were all wholesome. iii. But the wicked use their fingers to direct their followers and to impart to them secret messages. a. Masons use their fingers to give secret handshakes which lets others know he is a fellow mason. b. Hollywood and political elites in the Illuminati frequently make hand signals such as: (i) the "okay" sign (index finger and thumb joined with the other three fingers straight up) (666 sign) (ii) the "okay" sign over one or both eyes, either right-side-up or upside-down (iii) the "v" sign (peace sign), sometimes sideways in front of or beside one or both eyes (iv) the pyramid sign (thumbs and index fingers joined to form a triangle), either right-side-up or upside down (v) the pyramid sign over one eye (vi) the "I love you" (devil horns) sign (vii) the devil horns sign (index and pinky finger up, or thumb and pinky finger up) (viii) hand over one eye sign (ix) hidden hand sign (hand in coat or vest over one's abdomen or chest) (x) nazi salute c. For pictures of numerous actors, musicians, and politicians making these hand gestures, see: iv. Not everyone that makes one of these hand symbols are secret Masons or Illuminati members. a. Some of these hand symbols have made their way into popular culture and are casually used by ignorant people who have no knowledge of their secret meanings. b. I have been accused of being a closet Mason because I have inadvertently made some of these symbols during sermons. c. Don't make a man an offender for a word (Isa 29:21) or a hand symbol without proof that he is intentionally doing so to promote evil. E. "He has the subtlety of the serpent, and carries on his projects with a great deal of craft and management (Pro 6:13), with his eyes, with his feet, with his fingers. He expresses his malice when he dares not speak out (so some), or, rather, thus he carries on his plot; those about him, whom he makes use of as the tools of his wickedness, understand the ill meaning of a wink of his eye, a stamp of his feet, the least motion of his fingers. He gives orders for evil-doing, and yet would not be thought to do so, but has ways of concealing what he does, so that he may not be suspected. He is a close man, and upon the reserve; those only shall be let into the secret that would do any thing he would have them to do. He is a cunning man, and upon the trick; he has a language by himself, which an honest man is not acquainted with, nor desires to be." (Matthew Henry's Commentary, Pro 6:12-19) F. "The whole of it seems to design the secret, cunning, artful ways, which wicked men have to convey their meanings to one another, without being understood by other persons; they have a language to themselves, which they express by the motions of their eyes, feet, and fingers: and this character of art and cunning, dissimulation and deceit, fitly agrees with the man of sin, 2Th 2:10." (John Gill's Commentary, Pro 6:13) G. "If, for fear of detection, he does not speak, he uses signs to carry on his intrigues. These signs are still so used in the East." (Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown Commentary, Pro 6:13-14) 14. Pro 6:14 - "Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord." A. Solomon continues to describe the naughty person and wicked man who walks with a froward mouth (Pro 6:12), winks with his eyes, speaks with his feet, and teaches with his fingers (Pro 6:13). B. Frowardness is in his heart, i. Frowardness n. - Froward quality or condition; perversity; untowardness; an instance of this. ii. Froward adj. - 1. Disposed to go counter to what is demanded or what is reasonable; perverse, difficult to deal with, hard to please; refractory, ungovernable; †also, in a wider sense, bad, evilly-disposed, ‘naughty’. (The opposite of toward.) iii. The heart is the core of one's being. a. Heart n. - I. The simple word. ** As the seat of feeling, understanding, and thought. 6. a. The seat of one's inmost thoughts and secret feelings; one's inmost being; the depths of the soul; the soul, the spirit. b. The wicked man in his very nature in the depth of his soul is perverse, difficult to deal with, hard to please, ungovernable, and evilly-disposed. c. God hates a froward heart (Pro 11:20). iv. The heart is the seat of the will (Exo 35:29), intellect (Heb 4:12), and emotions (Pro 15:13). a. Heart n. - I. The simple word. ** As the seat of feeling, understanding, and thought. 5. a. = mind, in the widest sense, including the functions of feeling, volition, and intellect. b. The wicked man's will, intellect, and emotion are perverse, difficult to deal with, hard to please, ungovernable, and evilly-disposed. c. He chooses, thinks about, and feels evil and rebellion. d. This is why the scripture says that the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked (Jer 17:9). v. The wicked man walks with a froward mouth (Pro 6:12). a. The reason he has a froward mouth is because frowardness is in his heart. b. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh (Luk 6:45). vi. Don't follow the advice of this world to trust in your heart! (Pro 28:26) C. he deviseth mischief continually; i. Devise v. - 1. trans. To divide; to separate, part; to distribute. Obs. (last usage in 1483) 5. To order, appoint, or arrange the plan or design of; to plan, contrive, think out, frame, invent; b. something immaterial or abstract, or a product of the mind. (The chief current sense.) ii. Mischief n. - 1. a. Evil plight or condition; misfortune; trouble, distress; in ME. often, need, want, poverty. Obs. 2. a. Harm or evil considered as the work of an agent or due to a particular cause. b. An injury wrought by a person or other agent; an evil arising out of or existing in certain conditions. iii. Continually adv. - 1. In a continual way; always, incessantly, constantly, perpetually, all the time; i.e. either: Without any intermission, at every moment, continuously (in time); or less strictly: With frequent repetition, very frequently. iv. Substituting the definitions, a wicked man (Pro 6:12) with a froward heart (Pro 6:14) plans, designs, and contrives harm and evil constantly and continuously. v. There are people in this world (and many in government) who actually do this. a. "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." (George W. Bush) b. Was this just a Bushian Blunder, or was it a Freudian Slip? vi. The wicked sleep not unless they have caused some to fall (Pro 4:16; Mic 2:1). vii. The Jesuits are an example of wicked men with froward hearts that devise mischief continually as their oath makes clear. a. The following is part of the Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction taken from the book Subterranean Rome by Carlos Didier, translated from the French, and published in New York in 1843. b. It is also recorded in the Journals of the 62nd U.S. Congress, 3rd Session, House Calendar No. 397, House Bill 1523, Contested election case of Eugene C. Bonniwell, against Thos. S. Butler, Feb. 15, 1913, pp. 3215-3216. c. "I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus." (Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction, D. he soweth discord. i. Sow v. - 1. intr. or absol. To perform the action of scattering or depositing seed on or in the ground so that it may grow. Also fig. and in fig. context. 6. fig. To disseminate or spread; to endeavour to propagate or extend. In various contexts. ii. Discord n. - 1. Absence of concord or harmony (between persons); disagreement of opinions and aims; variance, dissension, strife. iii. Wicked men with froward hearts disseminate and spread false and conflicting information among people to cause variance, dissension, and strife. a. This happens all the time today by the media and government officials who spread all kinds of conflicting information to confuse people and set them against each other. b. They have done this with politics, race, Covid-19, mask wearing, and many other things over the last year. c. God hates those who sow discord among brethren (Pro 6:16, 19). iv. We need to be on guard for people who creep into the church and spread false doctrine to sow discord in the church. a. It happened to the early churches (Gal 2:4; Act 15:1; Jud 1:4; Act 20:29-30). b. It happened in the first church I pastored. c. It will happen to us too in due time, and we must be ready so that we show ourselves approved (1Co 11:19). d. We must strive to always be of one mind and one accord (1Co 1:10).
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