Heaven (Part 2) - Prepare to Meet Your Maker
Submitted by Pastor Chad Wagner on Sunday, November 20, 2022.

Heaven (Part 2) 6. Prepare to meet your Maker now, whatever your age (Amo 4:12). A. Seek thy Creator in the days of thy youth (Ecc 12:1; Lam 3:26-27; Pro 8:17; 2Ch 34:3). B. If you didn't find God until you were old, then be wise in thy latter end (Pro 19:20). i. Serve God in your old age and show His strength unto this generation (Psa 71:9, 15-18). ii. Don't leave this world until you impart the truth to the next generation. iii. Never stop bringing forth fruit, even in old age (Psa 92:13-14). iv. God will be with us in old age (Isa 46:4). C. Make sure your heart is right with God (Psa 51:17; Psa 34:18; Psa 51:10 ct/w Psa 78:37 & Act 8:21). D. Make sure you have confessed and repented of any known sins now (Pro 28:13; 1Jo 1:9) so you don't take them to the judgment seat (2Co 5:9-10). E. Deal with any problems you have with anyone (church brethren, family, friends, etc.) now (Mat 5:22-24; 1Jo 4:11-12, 20). F. Live your life from here forward so you that won't have any regrets (Act 20:26, 33; Act 23:1). G. Read your Bible daily (Psa 1:2). H. Pray regularly (1Th 5:17). I. Make church a priority (Mat 6:33; Heb 10:25). J. We should all strive to be able to say as Paul did at the end of his life: "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: 8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing." (2Ti 4:7-8) 7. If you love your life you will lose it (Joh 12:25; Mar 8:34-37). A. Be ready to give it up at any time. B. Hold on to the things of this life, and life itself, with a loose grip. C. Are you afraid of death? D. You shouldn't be (Heb 2:14-15). 8. Make sure your thoughts are focused on heavenly things (Php 3:20; Col 3:1-3).
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Heaven (Part 2), 11-20-22 - Prepare to Meet Your Maker.mp3 | 38.4 MB |