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Halloween - The Druids are the Real Reason for the Season
I. Halloween is a dark, pagan, occultic festival in which no Christians, nor their children, should participate.
II. The pagan and occultic origin of Halloween
1. Halloween: The eve of All Hallows or All Saints, the last night of October. In the Old Celtic calendar, the year began on 1st November, so that the last evening of October was 'old-year's night', the night of all the witches, which the (Roman Catholic) Church transformed into the Eve of All Saints." (Oxford English Dictionary)
2. Concerning Halloween, the Encyclopedia Britannica says:
A. "Halloween or All Hallows Eve, the name given to Oct. 31, as the vigil of Hallowmas or All Saints' Day, now chiefly known as the eve of the Christian festival. It long antedates Christianity. The two chief characteristics of ancient Halloween were the lighting of bonfires and the belief that this is the one night in the year during which ghosts and witches are most likely to wander abroad. History shows that the main celebrations of Halloween were purely Druidical, and this is further proved by the fact that in parts of Ireland Oct. 31 is still known as Oidhche Shamhna, "Vigil of Saman." This is directly connected with the Druidic belief in the calling together of certain wicked souls on Halloween by Saman, lord of death. On the Druidic ceremonies were grafted some of the characteristics of the Roman festival in honour of Pomona held about Nov. 1, in which nuts and apples, representing the winter store of fruits, played an important part. The custom of lighting Halloween fires survived until recently in the highlands of Scotland and Wales." (Halloween, Encyclopedia Britannica, 14th Edition, Vol.11)
B. "Druidism was the faith of the Celtic inhabitants of Gaul until the time of the Romanization of their country, and of the Celtic population of the British Isles up to the time of the Romanization of Britain, or, in parts remote from Roman influence, up to the period of the introduction of Christianity." (Halloween, Encyclopedia Britannica, 14th Edition, Vol.11)
C. "Halloween (in medieval times All Hallows), kept on Oct. 31, the eve of All Saints' day (see All Saints, Festival of), was the Celtic festival at the end of summer named Samhain, in contrast with May day (Beltane; q.v), the festival at the beginning of summer, these marking the two main seasons of the Celtic year. Oct. 31 was also the eve of the new year in both Celtic and Anglo-Saxon times and one of the ancient fire festivals. It was connected with the return of herds from pasture, and its importance is indicated by the renewal of laws and land tenures, the rekindling of fire for the coming year, the practice of divinations and its association with the dead, whose souls were supposed to revisit their homes on this day. Since November ushers in the darkest and most barren half of the year, the autumnal festival acquired sinister significance, with ghosts, witches, hobgoblins, fairies and demons of all kinds roaming abroad." (Halloween, Encyclopedia Britannica, 1968 Ed., Vol. 11, p.15)
D. "In medieval English usage the festival was known as All Hallows, and its eve is still called Halloween (q.v.)." (All Saints, Festival Of, Encyclopedia Britannica, 1968 Ed., Vol. 1, p.653)
E. "The Celtic festival was primarily a pastoral observance, but, as agriculture was frequently combined with herding, some of the rites associated with the harvest home and the killing of the corn spirit at the reaping of the last sheaf found a place in Samhain. Thus, the crops as well as the flocks and herds had to be protected from demonic influences that were rife at the turn of the year. It was the time to placate the supernatural powers controlling the processes of nature. Coupled with this were fire rites, divinations, funerary practices and masquerades, partly serious and partly frivolous in their later development as Halloween passed into the realm of folk observances. In Scotland traces of an expiatory sacrificial rite have survived in the case of both Halloween and the Beltane fires." (Halloween, Encyclopedia Britannica, 1968 Ed., Vol. 11, p.15)
F. "In addition, Halloween was thought to be the most favourable opportunity for divinations concerning marriage, luck, health and death, differing in manner in the various parts of Britain. It was the only day on which the help of the devil was invoked for such purposes. In Scotland young people assembled for games to ascertain which of them would marry during the year, and in what order the marriages would occur. Even the name, occupation and hair colour of the future spouse were determined. Sometimes resort was made in secret to a barn, where a sieve or winnowing fan was used to perform the action of winnowing corn. After repeating this three times the apparition of the future husband or wife was supposed to pass through the barn. Young women sowed hemp seed on plowed land at midnight on Halloween, repeating the formula, "Hemp seed I sow, who will my husband be, let him come and mow." Looking over her left shoulder she might see the figure of the future spouse. Apples and a sixpence were put into a tub of water, and he who succeeded in extracting either of them with his mouth without using his teeth, or in pinning one of the apples with a fork, was destined to have a lucky year. Most of the numerous Halloween divinations in connection with apples, originally of sacred and symbolic significance, have become games played by children. In the north of England Oct. 31 is observed as "mischief night" marked by tiresome tricks with no serious underlying purpose, meaning or history." (Halloween, Encyclopedia Britannica, 1968 Ed., Vol. 11, p.15)
G. "Immigrants to the United States, particularly the Irish, introduced secular Halloween customs that became popular in the late 19th century. Mischief making on this occasion by boys and young men took such forms as overturning sheds and outhouses and breaking windows, and damage to property was sometimes severe. In later years the occasion has come to be observed mainly by small children, who go from house to house demanding "trick or treat"; the treat is generally forthcoming and the trick rarely played. The common symbol of Halloween, the jack-o'-lantern (the name is probably derived from that for a night watchman), is a hollowed-out pumpkin carved in the appearance of a demonic face and with a lighted candle inside. In Scotland a turnip was used for the jack-o'-lantern, but the native pumpkin was soon substituted in the United States." (Halloween, Encyclopedia Britannica, 1968 Ed., Vol. 11, p.15)
H. "By contrast with these frivolous customs, it was on Halloween that the general assembly, or open-air parliament (Freig), was held at Tara in Celtic Ireland, celebrated once in every three years with special solemnities lasting for two weeks. At it the laws were renewed and the annals and genealogies written up. The proceedings opened with sacrifices to the gods at Tlachtgha in County Meath, the victims being consumed by fire. All household fires had to be extinguished on that night and rekindled from the fire of Tlachtgha, a tax being extracted for each fire lighted in this manner." (Halloween, Encyclopedia Britannica, 1968 Ed., Vol. 11, p.15)
3. Wikipedia says the following about the origin of Halloween:
A. "Halloween or Hallowe'en; a contraction of "All Hallows' Evening", also known as Allhalloween, All Hallows' Eve, or All Saints' Eve, is a yearly celebration observed in a number of countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day. It initiates the triduum of Allhallowtide, the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed believers." (Halloween, Wikipedia, 9-18-2015)
B. "According to many scholars, All Hallows' Eve is a Christianized feast initially influenced by Celtic harvest festivals, with possible pagan roots, particularly the Gaelic Samhain. Other scholars maintain that it originated independently of Samhain and has solely Christian roots." (Halloween, Wikipedia, 9-18-2015)
C. "In many parts of the world, the Christian religious observances of All Hallows' Eve, including attending church services and lighting candles on the graves of the dead, remain popular, although in other locations, these solemn customs are less pronounced in favor of a more commercialized and secularized celebration." (Halloween, Wikipedia, 9-18-2015)
D. "Historian Nicholas Rogers, exploring the origins of Halloween, notes that while "some folklorists have detected its origins in the Roman feast of Pomona, the goddess of fruits and seeds, or in the festival of the dead called Parentalia, it is more typically linked to the Celtic festival of Samhain", which comes from the Old Irish for "summer's end". Samhain (pronounced sah-win or sow-in) was the first and most important of the four quarter days in the medieval Gaelic calendar and was celebrated in Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man. It was held on or about 31 October – 1 November and kindred festivals were held at the same time of year by the Brittonic Celts; for example Calan Gaeaf (in Wales), Kalan Gwav (in Cornwall) and Kalan Goañv (in Brittany). Samhain and Calan Gaeaf are mentioned in some of the earliest Irish and Welsh literature. The names have been used by historians to refer to Celtic Halloween customs up until the 19th century, and are still the Gaelic and Welsh names for Halloween." (Halloween, Wikipedia, 9-18-2015)
4. Halloween is just the Catholicized version of the ancient holyday of Samhain.
A. "Samhain (pronounced /ˈsɑːwɪn/ sah-win or /ˈsaʊ.ɪn/ sow-in Irish pronunciation: [sˠaunʲ]) is a Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter or the "darker half" of the year. Traditionally, Samhain is celebrated from sunset on 31 October to sunset on 1 November. The festival falls approximately halfway between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice." (Samhain, Wikipedia, 9-18-2015)
B. "Samhain is mentioned in some of the earliest Irish literature and is known to have pre-Christian roots. Many important events in Irish mythology happen or begin on Samhain. It was the time when cattle were brought back down from the summer pastures and when livestock were slaughtered for the winter. As at Beltane, special bonfires were lit. These were deemed to have protective and cleansing powers and there were rituals involving them. Samhain (like Beltane) was seen as a liminal time, when the spirits or fairies (the Aos Sí) could more easily come into our world. Most scholars see the Aos Sí as remnants of the pagan gods and nature spirits. It was believed that the Aos Sí needed to be propitiated to ensure that the people and their livestock survived the winter. Offerings of food and drink were left for them. The souls of the dead were also thought to revisit their homes. Feasts were had, at which the souls of dead kin were beckoned to attend and a place set at the table for them. Mumming and guising were part of the festival, and involved people going door-to-door in costume (or in disguise), often reciting verses in exchange for food. The costumes may have been a way of imitating, or disguising oneself from, the Aos Sí. Divination rituals were also a big part of the festival and often involved nuts and apples." (Samhain, Wikipedia, 9-18-2015)
C. "In the 9th century, the Roman Catholic Church shifted the date of All Saints' Day to 1 November, while 2 November later became All Souls' Day. Over time, Samhain and All Saints'/All Souls' merged to create the modern Halloween. Historians have used the name 'Samhain' to refer to Gaelic 'Halloween' customs up until the 19th century." (Samhain, Wikipedia, 9-18-2015)
III. What saith the scripture about such practices?
1. As the aforementioned quotes demonstrate, the practices and customs of Halloween are merely the imitation of the ancient pagan festival of Samhain which the Catholic church adopted into their religion.
A. The scripture forbids such wickedness.
B. God foresaw men's propensity to worship Him like the heathen do and prohibited it in the law of Moses (Deu 12:29-32).
i. God specifically forbad Israel from serving Him like the nations whom they conquered served their gods (Deu 12:30).
ii. They were to worship Him exactly how He commanded them and they were not to add to it or take from it (Deu 12:32).
iii. God elsewhere forbids adding to His word (
Pro 30:6;
Rev 22:18-19).
C. God doesn't want His people to learn the way of the heathen (
Jer 10:2-4).
i. Aaron did this when he made Israel a golden calf and then proclaimed that it would be used in a feast unto the LORD (
Exo 32:5-6).
ii. Paul called this practice of incorporating heathenism into God's religion idolatry and forbids Christians from doing such evil (
1Co 10:7).
D. Not learning the way of the heathen is also a NT precept.
i. We are not to do as the heathen do (
Mat 6:7).
ii. We are not to be yoked with unbelievers, nor their idolatrous religions (
2Co 6:14-18).
iii. The things that the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils and not to God (
1Co 10:20-21).
iv. You can't have it both ways; you're either worshipping devils or God.
v. We are to do all things whatsoever Jesus commanded us (
Mat 28:20).
a. If we do all things Jesus commands, we can't leave anything out.
b. If we do whatsoever he commands, we can't add in anything extra.
vi. We are to keep the ordinances as delivered (
1Co 11:2).
E. God will severely judge those who mix elements of His religion with heathen religion and sin (
Dan 5:1-6 c/w
Dan 5:22-31).
F. Do-it-yourself religion is not pleasing to God (
1Ki 12:28-33).
G. God warns us against the celebration of holydays (
Col 2:14-17;
Gal 4:8-10).
H. Things which are highly esteemed among men are an abomination to God (
Luk 16:15).
I. We are hypocrites if we condemn the idolatrous practices of other religions and at the same time incorporate them into our own (
Rom 2:1;
Rom 2:21-22).
2. Even if a Christian knew nothing of the pagan origins of Halloween, a three second investigation of it should make it abundantly obvious that no Christian or their children should participate in such wickedness.
A. Halloween is celebrated by dressing up girls and boys as witches and wizards.
i. God demanded death for witches in the law of Moses (
Exo 22:18).
ii. Witches and wizards are an abomination to God (Deu 18:10-12;
2Ch 33:6).
a. Abomination - 1. The feeling or state of mind of combined disgust and hatred; abhorrence, detestation, loathing.
b. Therefore, God hates Halloween.
iii. Witchcraft is condemned in the New Testament and is a sin for which a person will be excluded from the church (
Gal 5:19-21).
B. Halloween is celebrated by dressing kids up as ghosts and goblins.
i. Necromancers are an abomination to God (Deu 18:10-12).
ii. Necromancer - 1. One who practises necromancy; one who claims to carry on communication with the dead; more generally, a wizard, magician, wonder-worker, conjurer.
iii. Necromancy - 1. The pretended art of revealing future events, etc., by means of communication with the dead; more generally, magic, enchantment, conjuration.
iv. God condemns those who engage with familiar spirits (
Lev 20:6; Deu 18:10-12).
C. Halloween is celebrated by exalting death.
i. Those who love death hate God (
Pro 8:36).
ii. Death is our enemy, not something we should celebrate (
1Co 15:26,
D. Christians are supposed to fight against spiritual wickedness, not play with it (
Eph 6:12).
i. We are supposed to reprove the unfruitful works of darkness, not celebrate them (
Eph 5:11-12).
ii. These dark forces that Christians dabble with on Halloween are the same ones that killed our Lord Jesus Christ (
Luk 22:53).
E. Parents that let their children dabble in darkness by dressing up as witches, devils, or ghosts, or even to participate in Halloween in anyway, better remember Jesus' strong warning in
Mat 18:6.
3. When the Ephesians were converted, they repented and burned their books pertaining to curious arts (
Act 19:18-19).
A. Curious adj. - 5. a. Desirous of seeing or knowing; eager to learn; inquisitive. Often with condemnatory connotation: Desirous of knowing what one has no right to know, or what does not concern one, prying. c. Devoting attention to occult art.
B. When repentance like this happens, the influence of the word of God greatly grows and prevails (
Act 19:20).
C. Is it any wonder that with most "Christians" these days celebrating occultic holidays like Halloween that the word of God no longer grows and prevails in our society and Satanism is on the rise?