Isaiah 40 (Part 19) - Isa 40:28 - The Eternal Power of God

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For a master copy of the outline and the other sermons in the series, click here: Isaiah 40. To listen to the previous sermon in the series, click here: Part 18 To listen to the next sermon in the series, click here: Part 20 Isa 40:28-31 - God Gives Strength to Those Who Wait on Him XXVIII. Isa 40:28 1. "Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary?..." A. The LORD began condemning Israel for their idolatry by asking them some rhetorical questions (Isa 40:18,21,25). B. After magnifying Himself and denouncing their idolatry in verses 18-27, the LORD then begins to comfort and encourage them by once again asking questions (Isa 40:28-31). C. As He did in verse 21, He asks again, "hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary?" (Isa 40:28). i. The implication is that, yes, they had known and heard these things. ii. God is therefore reminding them of what they once knew (Jud 1:5). D. He reminds them that He fainteth not, neither is weary. E. He never gets tired because He has everlasting strength and energy (Isa 26:4). F. The reason for this is because He is eternal, which He declares three times in this verse by way of the titles He calls Himself: i. The everlasting God. a. Everlasting - 1. a. Lasting for ever; infinite in future duration; endless; = eternal b. God is from everlasting to everlasting (Psa 90:2). (i) The eternal God never faints, nor is weary because if He got tired He would eventually wear out and cease to exist. (ii) God is a necessary being who is contingent upon nothing. (iii) Being eternal, God never changes (Mal 3:6), because change takes time, and God is outside of time. (iv) Fainting or becoming weary is changing. (v) Therefore, because God never changes, God can never faint nor become weary. c. God is eternal (Deu 33:27; 1Ti 1:17). d. God has eternal power which never runs out (Rom 1:20). e. Since God is eternal, His mercy is from everlasting to everlasting (Psa 103:17; Isa 54:8). f. God loves His people with an everlasting love (Jer 31:3). g. God has everlasting arms which hold us up when we are weary (Deu 33:25-27). ii. The LORD. a. The LORD is Jehovah. b. God's name Jehovah signifies His power. c. Jehovah - 1. The principal and personal name of God in the Old Testament; in English versions usually represented by ‘the LORD’. Hence in modern Christian use, = God, the Almighty. d. Almighty - All-powerful, omnipotent. e. Jehovah is the most high over all the earth (Psa 83:18). f. In the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength (Isa 26:4). iii. The Creator of the ends of the earth. a. The fact that God is the Creator of the ends of the earth is a testament to His power and strength. b. Creator - 1. The Supreme Being who creates all things. c. God created the universe and all things therein out of nothing in six days (Exo 20:11). d. To create something out of nothing takes an infinite amount of strength. e. The God that created the universe will not be wearied helping His children get through life. 2. "...there is no searching of his understanding." A. Not only does God have everlasting strength to carry us through life, He also has infinite understanding to know how to take care of us. B. God's wisdom and knowledge are past finding out (Rom 11:33-36). C. Even if a man tries to find it out the work of God, he cannot (Ecc 8:17; Job 11:7-10). D. The riches of Christ are unsearchable (Eph 3:8). E. Unsearchable adj. - 1. That cannot be searched into, so as to be ascertained or exactly estimated; inscrutable. F. God's understanding is infinite (Psa 147:5). G. Infinite - 1. a. Having no limit or end (real or assignable); boundless, unlimited, endless; immeasurably great in extent, duration, or other respect. Chiefly of God or His attributes; also of space, time, etc., in which it passes into the mathematical use. H. God knows every need that we will ever have, He knows how to meet them all, and He has the power to do it.