Sermons By Subject: Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of Heaven IS the Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of Heaven IS the Kingdom of God I. By simply comparing spiritual things with spiritual (1Co 2:13), it is irrefutable that the "kingdom of heaven" spoken of in Matthew is synonymous with the "kingdom of God" spoken of in Mark and Luke. (see attached spreadsheet) II. The kingdom of heaven/God came and was a present reality at the first coming of Christ. 1. Jesus said the kingdom of heaven / kingdom of God was "at hand" (Mat 4:17; Mar 1:14-15). A. At hand - a. Within easy reach; near; close by. - Oxford English Dictionary

The Five Kingdoms of God

A copy of the outline can be downloaded at the bottom of this page. To Listen on YouTube, click here: The Five Kingdoms of God The Five Kingdoms of God I. There are five things in the scripture which are called the kingdom of God. 1. God's universal rule over all creation. 2. The Old Testament nation of Israel. 3. The elect, regenerate family of God. 4. The eternal state of glory.